10•To Bad its Gonna End.

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Alexa's POV:

"So it's come to my attention that Baron has no Debut Match or a storyline." Shane booms.

Oh no. I think to my myself.

"Tomorrow night Baron is coming back. As Alexa's long lost love." I sit back in my chair as the air gets thicker around me. I feel all of them staring at me. "Alexa i need you to Throw yourself onto Baron." He says smiling. "And you need to kiss him. Not short though, draw it out, make the crowd cheer." He says excited for the drama he's causing.

Gables POV:

"And you need to kiss him. Not short though, draw it out..." Shane says but it all seems to sound like blah blah blah.  

She's gonna have to kiss him... in front of me.

"But aren't I supposed to be with Gable." Alexa speaks defensively.

"Yes. But Gable will want to fight for you, so will AJ and Dolph." Shane chuckles.

"This is all just a big games of chess for you, isn't it." Alexa screams, storming out of his office. He looks shocked and a little confused.

I see no one run after her so I get up. I chase her down the hallway. She tries to run into the ladies bathroom, I thought she was trying to lose me. She runs into the stall and begins to throw up.

"Alexa... are you okay?" I ask, standing back.

"Please just-just Go." She says struggling to breathe.

"Do I need to get someone?" I question.

"NO!" She screams, laying her back and head against the stall wall. "I don't wanna fight anymore..." She whispers.

"Huh?" I lean against the wall right in front of her.

"Nothing." She says wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You sure-." I start but she cuts me off.

"Look, I'm fine. This happens to me all the time..." She trails off to puke some more.

I notice her silky blond hair starting to fall off her ear and into the toilet. I walk into the stall and hold it back.

"Alexa, I'm going go get the trainer." I say tying her hair up with one of my elastics.

Before I can leave she grabs my hand. "Please don't leave me." She cries.

Alexa's POV:

Me throwing up is normal. I've struggled with it since I was 14 or so. But this time it was different. I didn't ever have anybody that cared enough to stay with me while I was puking my guts out other than Baron.

I remember one time he sat there on the floor behind me rubbing my back as I had my head halfway in the toilet. He always thought it was food poison, or the flu, or just some stomach bug.

Gable... Gable knows. I think he does at least, I might be wrong. He sits on the floor next to me, handing me toilet paper after every puking cycle.

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