20•I'm not Gonna Hurt You

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Gables POV:

"What?" She asks innocently.

"My life is better with you." I hold tightly onto her wrist as she looks back down at the dish towel wrapped around her wrist. "You make everyday an adventure. You make my life worth living, and I wanna make yours worth living too."

She just sits there and stares off into space.

"Alexa... they want you back." She turns her attention back up to my face


"They want you back... as a manager for any superstar you pick." I smile but she doesn't. She sits there as tears run down her cheeks. "This was supposed to make you happy." I grab her face as she sinks into my hand.

"Do you wanna?" I ask her.

No reply.


We moved to the living room and she ate a peanut butter sandwich, but never talked.

She just sat there watching TV.

"I wanna..." She whispers under her breathe almost unnoticeable

"What you say?" I wrap my arm around her and pull her into me.

"I wanna go back..." She whispers a little louder.

"To WWE?" I ask sitting up and looking at her.

"Yeah." She barely smirks but it's enough for me to wrap my arms around her, hugging her tight.

Alexa's POV:

"Gable?" I whimper putting my head into his neck.

"Yes?" He asks rubbing my back with his thumb.

"I-I, you know what never mind." I sit back and force a smile.

He moves his thumb from the center of my back to the apple of my cheek, rubbing it.

"When do they want us?" I ask, forcing another fake smile.

"Whenever your ready to go." He smiles.

I freeze thinking about it. I don't wanna leave but I do. I don't wanna see people but I do. It's only been two months...

"Well let's pack up." I chuckle.

"Really?!" He stands up excitedly.

"Yea." I smile and he runs down the hall to pack up.

I look down at the tiny cut on my wrist... it wont be that bad...will it? I rub my thumb across it, it stings a bit, feeling the ridges Of my even cut.

Can't be so bad.

Gables POV:

I ran around all night packing me and Alexa's things into 4 different suitcases.

I'm excited but I can't help but to think of all the sadness pouring out of Alexa. I drop the suitcase onto the bed and walk back into the living room.

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