15•Go Away

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Alexa's POV:

"Gable, I love you."

"Alexa...I love you." He says pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Alexa. I love you." I turn around and Baron pulls me into his kiss.

"I love you Baron." I kiss his cheek.

"Alexa come get in my car." I turn again to see AJ waving me to him.

I happily get in the car feeling a sharp pain in my leg. I try screaming but no screams come out.

Help! Help! I wanna scream but a glass box is keeping me in. A light lights up Gable's Face, then Baron's, then AJ's, And even Dolph's.

No! No! Gable help me! I feel like screaming but my voice is caught in my throat.

Gables POV:

She lays there as Baron and Dolph argue. She would be raising hell if she awake and it makes me chuckle.

"What are you fucking laughing about?! You think Alexa in a coma is funny!?" Dolph screams at me.

"No I think it's funny that y'all wanna fight with each other when Alexa is sitting right there." I chuckle some more. "You fight and fight and the girl your supposed to love has been sitting there for 4 days and all y'all have to do it fight?!" I scream. "4 damn days and she's still not fucking awake!" I yell. I stand up and knock off the stupid food tray sitting in front of me.

"My head hurts."

"What?!" I say.

"My head hurts." I watch as she moves her lips, licking the dry coldness away from them.

"Alexa." I walk up to her and sit on the edge of her bed.

"Who-?" She starts.

"Shhh it's okay. I got you baby girl." Dolph says rubbing her arm. She looks dazed and confused.

"Who-Who are you?" She asks.

Dolph stands up slowly and running out of the room.

"Alexa do you remember who I am?" I ask her.

"Yeah, your Jason's friend. Right?" She implies.

"Yeah. But do you remember anything about me."

"No...am I supposed to?" She crinkles her forehead. She turns to Baron.

"Baron! Your back!" She yells softly. He fakes a smile and walks in her open arms.

Dolph walks in with the doctor.

"She can't remember anything!" He points to Alexa.

"It's not to worry. Some coma patience lose a bit of memory for a few. It's normal. She will be fine I a couple of days." He smirks and walks back out.

Alexa's POV: these strange people stand over me. One sits on my bed and I remember his face. He is tag-team partners with Jason Jordan. One of the people run out of the room after I told him I didn't know him.

People are weird in this town.

I look over and see Baron. Is he really back in town!

"Baron! Your back!" I strain.

"She can't  remember anything!" One of the strange men come back with a doctor.

"It's not to worry. Some coma patience lose a bit of memory for a few. It's normal. She will be fine I a couple of days." He smirks at me.

"What exactly am I doing here?" I ask Baron.

"Honey, you were in a car accident." He says sweeping a piece of hair behind my ear.

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