39• God I Hate Hospitals

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Alexa's POV:

"Hey Mr. McMahon." I say peeking into his office door.

"I was just about to call you, thought you were lost." He chuckles.

"Oh trust me I was but Charlotte saw me struggling and pointed me in the right direction." I let out a little laugh as he throws one arm around me, hugging my side.

I give a slight pull on his waist and retrieve it back.

"So what did you need?" He pats my shoulder and sets himself down at his desk. "Have you chose who you wanna manage?" He props his feet up on the desk and twines his fingers into each laying them onto his stomach.

"Yes. I have." I say with a small smile across my face but it quickly fades.

Gables POV:

I begin to think a small smirk will be permanently locked onto my face but that thought quickly slips as I walk into the catering room.

Nia is talking to Baron in the middle of the room.

They sitting there and I notice he has his hand on her knee as they laugh at some joke one of them made.

I can't help but wonder if I could ever be like that with Alexa agian... I'm praying we're going to be like that.

I don't realize I'm still staring till the laughing stops and she stares into my eyes.

"Do you need something?" She yells across the room.

I don't say anything and break eye contact.

"Don't talk to him like that."

"Awe his little girlfriend standing up for the poor boy." Nia comments back.

I look over to my side to see Alexa holding a packet of papers in her hand.

"I'm not his girlfriend. Just stop being a bitch."

"Telling me to stop being a bitch is like telling you to stop being a slut. Never gonna happen." Nia yells.

I see Alexa's eyes move from Nia to the floor and over to Baron.

He stands there staring a Nia though not saying a word.

"Who tried sleeping with there best friends boy again?" I say not even realizing it's out loud.


I look over waiting for a comment from Alexa but she's disappeared.

I look back at Nia who stands alone now.

Alexa's POV:

I stand at the water fountain holding another pill in my hand. I look down at them and throw them back into my mouth.  I sip some water and turn back to the side.

"Baron." I look up at him.

"What did you just take?" He questions.

"Just some i-ibuprofen." I stutter. "I gotta go. Gotta change for tonight." I say crutching past his tall figure.

"Alexa..." he grabs the side of my arm. "Good to see you again."

A smile smirk is given and we just walk away.

Gables POV:

"Do you think she's mad at me?" I ask Brie who saw the whole thing.

She saw I was upset and followed after me.

"She was walking off before you even said anything. She might have no heard it at all."

"What am I supposed to do? I want her back..." I say feeling tears stinging at my eyes.

"Go ask her if she okay at least. The rest is yours to figure out."

"Okay." I say trying to stand up straight and splash some confidence on my face. "Thank you." I say applying a soft hand onto Brie's shoulder.

"Go get her." She says pushing me away, laughing.

Alexa's POV:

I find my locker room and suddenly feel sick so I sit down.

I feel nausea but also sleepy so I lay down onto the bench. My hands become cold so I stick them Under my armpits and my breathing quickens with my heart rate.

Gables POV:

"Have you seen Alexa?" I ask a producer.

"No i haven't. She was supposed to go out with the person she chose to manage like 2 minutes ago so they are trying to fix the schedule. " the producer says.

"Shit." I say. I walk around the building. Everywhere. Every nook, every cranny. Alexa is no where to be found.

I notice people are crowded around a doorway all look as if something has gone terribly wrong.

I start pushing through the crowd. There's a plaque on the door that read Alexa Bliss. I freeze up praying it's not her.

I begin to panic pushing through more and more people till I'm in the center of the circle.

Alexa looks pale and cold, almost lifeless. She's foaming at the mouth and tears are dried onto her cheeks. She's unresponsive. Carmella is holding her into her lap and sobbing.

"Does anyone have Activated charcoal pills?" I yell through the crowd.

"Me!" I hear a tiny voice. She makes it through the crowd.

"Here!" Sasha yells hurling two into my hand.

I look at them for a second and quickly turn around. I push them down Alexa's throat hoping she has some way to swallow them. I follow it by pouring water into her mouth.

"I called 911 they said there two minutes out." Carmella sobs into Alexa's hair.

"Everyone move." I yell. I grab Alexa and carry her bridal style through the building.

"Alexa... please don't die." I push the door open to outside right as the EMTs show up.

"Put her on here." A woman with a dark brown bun and brown skin says to me. I set her down onto the gurney inside the ambulance and we quickly spend away.

"I gave her charcoal pills." I breathe to EMT.

"Where'd you learn that?" She asks putting an IV into Alexa's Arm and a breathing mask over her face.

"My dad." I say without looking at her.

I focus more on Alexa's hand. Her soft hand is in the palms of mine. I'm sweating and clammy while she's cold and lifeless.

I can't do anything... I just sit and wait.

God I hate hospitals.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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