29• I Just Wanted To Be Happy

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Gable's POV:

I see her staring out of the corner of my eye so I flex just a little as I put on shaving cream.

She sees me looking at her so I wink, trying to play it cool when my heart is pounding in my chest. I slowly walk over to the door and shut it.

I get into the shower and wash off real quick, debating if I wanna walk out and pretend my shirt got wet.

I'm gonna do it. Wait. I put my shirt under the faucet getting it soaking wet and plopping it back onto the floor.

"Hey, Sorry, gotta get a shirt." I say sliding through.

"I thought you had one." Nia says calling me out.

"Um... yeah... I did I accidentally left it on the floor, and it...um... got soaked." I chuckle nervously.

"Well Alexa sure doesn't mind it." Nia laughs looking over at her. I look over to her and she quickly turns away.

I turn back to my suitcase with a big smile plastered across my face. I slip on one of my old American alpha T-shirt's.

I turn around and Alexa is gone.

"Where'd She go?" I ask Nia pointing to where Alexa was sitting.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

I walk around looking for her, walking down the staircase and through the breakfast area.

I know she's on her crutches so I listen for a clicking noise of them against the ammonium floors covered with tiles.

I don't hear clicking but a sound clatters through the hallway to my right. I look down it to see Alexa lying on the ground.

"Alexa!" I scream running to her and kneeling down beside her.

I turn her over to find her smiling up at me.

"I got cocky." She chuckles breaking into uncontrollable laughter.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I say hoping she's not laughing off the pain.

"I'm good. I'm fine." She says trying to hold back the laughter.

"What happened?" I ask sitting down and pulling her into my lap.

"I um..." She sniffles still chuckling. "I got cocky and tried to walk without my crutches." She says right before she bursts back into laughter.

" so your okay?"

"Yeah just went for some ice" She snickers.

"Well come on, let's get you up." I give her a push up from my lap, as she leans against the wall.

I get up too grabbing her crutches in one hand and pull Alexa close to me.

"Come on." I smirk as she uses her leg to jump up into my arm. "I got you." She lays her head onto my shoulder as she straddles me harder, trying not to slip.

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