2•She's So Beautiful

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Alexa's POV:

"Nia Stop driving like a maniac!" Dolph yells from the back gelling his hair.

"Shut up Dolph!" She yells back swerving to piss Dolph off.

I grab her arm trying to tell her to stop so Dolph will shut up. We sit in silence for a while until Nia turns on the radio so far up people could hear it from miles away. Yet again Dolph gets pissy and turns on his "good music" which consist of his theme song and A band named Steel Panther.


We get to WWE around 2:30 and I see the dude that tried talking me the other day and I begin to feel guilty about the gym this morning. Before I could walk up to him, Dolph yanks my arm and pulls me to his locker room.

He pushes me up against the wall and kisses me. I feel his lips but none of the feelings I used to have for them are there. I stand there lifeless as he kisses me and doesn't even notice. I push him off and pace around the room.

"Babe what's wrong?" He questions

"You don't care. You don't care about me. You just want me cause you want sex."

"That-that's not true." He says clearing his throat.

"Don't lie to me Dolph!" I scream. He stands up and shoved me against the wall.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He pushes me harder into the wall knocking the breath out of me, and then storms out.

I kneel on the ground trying to catch my breath, feeling dizzy.

I regain control and walk out of the locker room drying the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand.

Gable's POV:

I stare at my phone as I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around quickly and almost knocking the person over. I stumble to catch her, grabbing her waist and standing her back up.

I see the boots she has on and I remember them. I look up and meet Alexa's stunning blue eyes.

"I'm-im so sorry Alexa." I say choking on my words.

"It's fine." She says walking away.

I grab her wrist and say "What were you gonna tell me, before I almost knocked you over." I chuckle.

"I was just gonna say sorry for- for earlier. That's all." She says leaving quickly.

I stand there shocked feeling some kinda way. And question 'what just happened?' in my head.

Alexa's POV:

I walk away not wanting to look him in the face feeling ashamed of the way I acted this morning. I keep thinking about him grabbing my waist. His warm hands and strong arms.

What am I talking about?! I'm with Dolph! I don't even know him! Alexa get out of your head! I scream at myself in my head.

I turn around to for a quick second and he's still standing there staring at me. I turn around smiling.

"Alexa?" Someone says behind me. I turn around and it's not him, it's Dolph. "I'm so sorry baby girl." He says grabbing my waist and hugging me tight.

I can barely see over his shoulder and the guy is still staring. I act nice to Dolph. "Hey what's that dudes name?" I ask only wanting to know not cause I want to talk to Dolph.

Dolph turns around and looks at him. "I think Gable. Chad Gable." He says scratching the back of his head and walking off, grabbing my hand.

Chad. Gable.

Gables POV:

Alexa turns back around and I can't help but stare even more. She probably thinks I'm a stalker anyways.

Dolph grabs her and pulls her into a hug and it kinda infuriates me. I turn around trying not to look. I see Jason coming my way and I start heading towards him.

"Who we up against isn't tonight?" I ask him.

"I think Dolph Ziggler and the USO's but we get Mojo Rawley for tonight since Dolph and him are feuding." He chuckles.

All I can hope is that Alexa isn't going out there with him. "That's cool." I say trying to fake a smile.

"Go get ready where on in an hour." He says patting my chest and walking away.

"Yeah." I say but he's halfway down the hall and can't hear me.


It's almost time to go out and I shake out my nerves. They motion for us to go out and our entrance music plays.

Then MoJo comes out pumped and ready to go.

He slides in the ring and I pat him on the back as I do some jogging in place as the USO's music goes off and they slowly walk to the ring.

I turn around as Dolph's awful music begins to play. I try to not turn around Afraid she would be out here too. I get up the courage and as soon as I do my eyes meet Alexa's.

She looks gorgeous but unhappy. She's slowly walking to the ring and doesn't even step inside.

Mojo decides he wants to go first. He gets in the ring with Jimmy USO cause Dolph is scared of MoJo.

MoJo starts off with putting Jimmy into a headlock. Gripping him tight. They run together and Jimmy clotheslines MoJo knocking him down. He tries to run from rope to rope but Dolph tags himself in. Before Jimmy leaves though he knocks Jason off the apron. They start going after each other, punching away.

I watch as Alexa sees that then fighting is distracting she tries to break it up but before she can get to them MoJo tries rolling up Dolph, so I go and try. Alexa gets on the apron where I was, distracting the referee.

She gives Dolph enough time to regain himself as MoJo is telling her to get out of the ring. I watch as Dolph misses MoJo and runs into Alexa. I catch her before she hits the ground.

Shes laying in my arms, looking up at me with her wide eyes. Me holding Alexa distracts Dolph

"Put her down!" He yells as MoJo comes behind him rolling him up and pinning him

1. I put her legs down onto the floor.

2. She turns around

3. She walks up the ramp slowly turning back and looking at me.

She's so Beautiful.

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