3•Everything Was Silent

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Alexa's POV:

That's twice today Chad has caught me. He's so awkward and I don't know how to act. Should I be mad he caught me? Should I have slapped him? Should I have thanked him?

My thinking is cut off by someone grabbing my hand.

"What the hell was that?!?" He screams in my face.

"What are you talking about!" I scream back.

"Letting him grab you like that!" His eyes begin to seem as if they are glowing red.

"Sorry someone pushed me off the apron!"I scream and he pushes me. I trip over myself and my butt lands on the floor. I feel the tears rush up in my eyes, leaving things blurry.

"Don't push her!" A figure says standing in front of me pushing Dolph back.

"I ought to knock you out!" Dolph screams.

"Yeah but your not gonna cause you know I'd kick your ass, so instead you mess with a girl. But I got news for you dude she can kick yours way better than I can." He chuckles.

I can barely see but it looks like Dolph walks off. Warm strong hands lift me up from under my arms.

"You okay?" The figure says moving the hair out one of my eyes.

I let the tears drip down my cheeks, clearing my vision a bit. A worried Gable stands in front of me lifting my head to look at him.

I rip my face from his hands, looking down back at the ground. I wipe my tears and just walk away.

Gables POV:

I stand there watching as she leaves down the hallway. I wanna follow but I don't wanna scare her. She's been through enough tonight as it is.

I turn around and walk into the locker room packing up my clothes scattered across the room.


SmackDown is finally done for the night so I grab my bag and walk out to the car. I see Nia and Alexa talking. Alexa looks sad. Her face is shiny with tears, Nia lays her hand on Alexa's shoulder.

"Look how about we go to the club tonight. Get your mind off things." She says.

"I-I don't know." Alexa says wiping her tears away.

"It'll be fun and I'll keep you safe." She chuckles. Alexa fakes a smile back and gets in the car with Nia.

I watch as they back out and zoom off into the snow ridden city.

I finally shake my head out of the thoughts I have of her and meet Jason in the car.

"You drive." He laughs throwing me the keys.

I catch them and start up the car.

Alexa's POV:

Nia convinced me to get dressed up and go out with her. I fake a smile the entire night. I sit at the bar taking shots every five minutes when a guy comes and sits beside me.

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