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I woke up to sun beaming in my face and  an ache in my neck. I fell asleep in the car going to my summer camp. Suddenly I'm hit with realization that I am going to the camp. It never really hit me until how. Three months away from home, the people I knew, and my comfortable bed. Shit. 

I sit up correctly and look at the time. eight forty-six. The greeting is at eleven and I should be there by nine. I try and go back to sleep but by the time I'm going back to sleep, my mom is pulling up in the camp pick up/drop off area. 

"Honey, we are here." I get a nudge from my mother. I hum my response and unbuckle so I can get my belongings. 

"John, remember what I told you okay?" She says sternly and before she can start listing things off I interrupt. "No drinking, no drugs, no major risks, and nothing I will regret the morning after." I say sluggishly rolling my eyes.

"Good. Call me whenever you want and make me proud to have an amazing independent young man such as you." she says grabbing my shoulder. I pull out my suitcase and put my backpack on my back. 

"Do you need any help carrying this stuff?" I shake my head. "No, I've got it." I smile a securing smile at my mom and she smiles back and starts walking up to the drivers side of the car. She opens the door grabbing a box. "Open this when you get to your cabin and read the note." She hands me the box and I hug her. We say our good-byes and I head to the front building.

"Hi, I'm checking in." I say not sure of how to say it. "Oh, of course! Whats your name dear?" he name tag says Martha. "John Laurens." I bite my lip wishing i could just go sit down. "Okay hun, here is your cabin key, welcome packet, and other information." she says smiling genuine glee. "Thank you." I say in response. I look at the key which has the cabin number on it. twelve. I turn and start walking in the direction of the cabin. It was relatively far down but I don't mind. I check to see if the door is unlocked before opening the door. A bunk bed, two desks, a nice window facing the lake and soon to be setting sun. There was also two dressers, a futon, and a door which probably led to a bathroom. On the bottom bunk, I see a boy reading a book. He looks up at me. 

"Hi are you my cabin mate?"  he says with a small smile.

"Yeah I guess I am." I say vaguely while smiling. I set my things down on the side of the door. He comes over to shake my hand. Kind gesture. 

"What's your name?"

"John Laurens" I respond with a faint smile on my face. "and your name?"

"Alexander Hamilton, you can call me Alex."

"Well hello, Alex. Let's make this summer last?"

"Of course." That damn smile.

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now