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a/n: ngl things get frisky brace yourselves. no smut though they are 16 and at a camp with a wild Peggy on the loose :)


I woke up this morning to a bird chirping outside. Maybe today would be a better day. I looked over to the bunks to see Alex gone. What time is is? I grabbed my phone to see a couple texts from Alex. 

Alex ♡ : Hey John... I left kind of late last night to go over to Herc and Laf's cabin.

Alex ♡: I figured you might want some time to yourself but you can text me anytime. 

Alex ♡: I'll be back around 9 and maybe we can go get breakfast?

He's so nice. What time is it again? It's eight-thirty. With that I got up and took a shower. A cold shower because I was burning under the blankets. When I was done with that I looked straight in the mirror. My eyes were puffy  and it looked like I hadn't slept. Other than  the stress I felt kind of good. I got rest and it was peaceful. I text Peggy an apology.


John: Hey... tell your sisters that I'm sorry I kinda fucked things up yesterday.

AndPeggy: wydm? it's fine! just get some rest and do something you enjoy.

John: okay... thank you.

After I sent my texts to Peggy I lied down on the couch and scrolled through snapchat. It was only 5 minutes before Alex came walking through the door.

"Hey John." I just stood up and went over and hugged Alex. I really haven't said a word to him since early yesterday.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry!" 

"But I am." 

"Do you want to go get some breakfast?"

"Yes I'm starving!" Alex laughed and we both headed out for the cafeteria. We both got pancakes and started talking.

"Do you want to swim today? I kind of miss the water..." I asked.

"I was hoping you'd ask that."

"I want to get on the turtle and talk and swim and just... relax."


Alex and I were laying on the turtle float just talking about what ever came to our minds. It was really peaceful but I knew that I would need to talk to him about Thomas.

"Hey Alex." I sat up to signify this was more serious.

"Yeah?" Alex followed in my actions.

"I think I should um... I should tell you about Thomas..."

"Only tell me as much as you are comfortable with."

"Okay. Well... A while ago Thomas and I were friends and then he came out to me. His parents are really homophobic and I mean reeaallly. So anyways eventually we go closer but he started making some advances, if you will, I wasn't comfortable with. And he got abusive and started acting like my father. Calling me Jack." I cringed at that. "He'd hit and scream and nothing we had was okay. Around the time I dumped him is when he got all anti-gay. He'd always get stubborn in football when it came to me. I don't know what happened..."  Alex dove into a hug with me. I was tense but melted into the hug.

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now