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a/n: im on winter break and im gonna try and update ever day/every other day! time for a healthy amount of angst!


"Hey, Jack!"

"Don't call me Jack."


I felt my heart drop to my stomach. It felt like a jump scare or when you go down a steep part of a roller coaster fast.  

"Jack?" Aaron looked just as dumb founded as everyone else, if not more because he doesn't even know I know Thomas. 

"What's wrong?" Eliza asked. She has such a kind heart but I wouldn't want to project this onto her. Thomas smirked as he looked at me. 

"John, is every thing okay?" Alex put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't know where to look. Angelica glanced at me and at Thomas. My breathing was becoming shaky. Peggy was giving Aaron a "What the fuck is happening? What the fuck did you do?" face.

"He's okay. The football player just has some daddy issues." That was it. I shrugged Alex's hand off my shoulder and started speed walking to then cabin. Angelica and Alex called my name but I just kept going. I didn't stop until I made it back to the cabin. There was faint screaming from what sounded like Angelica and Peggy but I didn't care. I swung open the door and slammed it closed. I grabbed my earbuds and went up to my bunk. I haven't been up here in a while. I plugged them up and put my earbuds in. I started blasting music and sobbing. Everything was flashing before me. Thomas. My dad. South Carolina. Blood. Everything. I could faintly hear knocking from the door but I didn't know who it was.

"G-go a-away!" My voice was cracking and breaking. The light beamed in which let me know somebody was walking in. I opened my eyes to see Alex slowly walking in being sure to close the door quietly behind him. 

"What do you need?" I hissed regretfully as I took out my earbuds.

"I don't need anything." Alex paused as he climbed up the bunk. "I want to make sure you're okay." Alex sat down in the front corner of the bunch across from me. 

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine!"

"John, you're acting like a five year old. You are not fine." Alex frowned.

"I said I'm fine."

"But are you really?"

"I'm.... fine... I'm not fine." And that's when I started crying hysterically. 

"Do you want to talk about it? Maybe that will help you feel better." Alex crawled over and embraced me. I couldn't speak because I was crying so hard. I tried to say something but all that came out was sobs. "Shhhh, it's all good." He rubbed circles on my back while I cried on his shoulder. We sat there for a while as I just sobbed. I practically had a faucet running under my eyes. After a while when my crying was more calm Alex spoke up again.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" I pulled away from the hug.

"Not really..."

"That's okay. Do you want to just listen to music or watch a movie?" I nodded my head and grabbed my phone. I started playing legally blonde the musical. I cried a lot through that too. Soon there was a soft knocking at the door.  

"I'll get it." Alex got up and climbed down the bunk to greet Peggy and Eliza who were at the door.

"Hey... I just wanted to make sure John was okay." Peggy sounded so glum and it broke my heart. 

"I don't know if he wants to talk but he's up in his bunk."

"I'll come down." I slowly came down from my bed with a turtle blanket wrapped around me. 

"John, honey, you're so pale!" Eliza came over and held my cheeks before hugging me.

"You're eyes are so puffy from crying. John, are you doing okay?" Peggy asked. I nodded my head in response. Eliza put her hand up to my forehead.

"John you're burning!"

"I didn't notice..."

"How do you not- never mind. Here give me your blanket. Alex do you have any water?" Peggy and Eliza were becoming more concerned.

"Yeah I'll get some." Alex came back with a full bottle of cold water. "Here you go John." I grabbed the water and we all went to sit down on the couch. Peggy and Alex sat on the floor in front of Eliza and I.

"I don't mean for this to come off all counselory but can you tell us what happened, John?" Peggy spoke.

"Well... I know Thomas... he was never nice... well I thought he was... then the tables turned." I was hesitant and I didn't want to say more than I was comfortable with.

"Okay. What happened while you were in here... it's been like two hours and you look like you are running a fever." Eliza commented.

"I guess it's the way my body handles this kind of um... stress?"

"Sorry for interrogating you... Where do you know Thomas from? South Carolina or your other home?" asked Peggy.

"My other home."

"Is there anything else we can or should know?"

"He isn't homophobic." 

"What do you mean, he called me a dyke and got in a fist fight with Alex last summer?"

"I mean, he's only acting that way because he is gay and doesn't like that!"

"How do you know?" Eliza asked.

"BECAUSE I DATED HIM!" I covered my mouth as soon as I said that. Tears started to well in my eyes. Eliza's face instantly filled with sorrow. "Can I uh... be left alone... for awhile?" They all nodded and left. I was all alone in my thoughts again. I grabbed my sketch book from where I left it last and a pencil. I tried drawing but I just couldn't do it. Next I played the playlist I created with all of the most sad and depressing act two songs from cast albums. I just sobbed my heart out. Alex came and brought me lunch and went back out because I shooed him away. Dinner came came and he brought me food then too. We ate together in silence and then I fell asleep on the couch.


More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now