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A/N: Net Neutrality being taken away is scary. it still has to go through congress though. :( major chapter though! its the second storm chapter!!!


"I'm so sorry how I haven't been able to talk like all day!" Alex burst through the door out of breath.  "It started off just as reading than the Washington's made me help them and then Burr wanted some girl advice or something and well now I'm here."

"That's okay."

"And to top things off, it's going to storm!" Alex huffed and dropped his bag down to the ground next to him before walking over to his bed and sprawling out. I walked over and crouched next to him. 

"I'll be here..." I said sort of quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He turned over and sat up to get on my level. 

"Thank you." Alex went in to kiss me but was interrupted by thunder. Alex suddenly went into a shock and went to the back of his bed. I climbed up on his bed and sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and started saying comforting things. 

"Alex..." My shoulder was wet from his crying.


"I really want to just open up about myself and tell you things you don't know..." He got out of the hug and looked me in the eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to tell you about my ex, and mostly my dad."

"Only if you are comfortable."

"I am. I can trust you."

"Okay." His quickly nodded his head in response before thunder struck again and hugged me again. The rain was heavy and you could barely see out the window.

"So, my ex, he was abusive. Like my father." I was finding it hard to make out sentences because I never really practiced it in my head. "He was very possessive and controlling. I couldn't hand out with my friends from football after practice often. He would take things away like my phone as "punishment?" I never really understood that or why. Alex got out of the hug once more to look me in the eyes.

"My dad was worse. I regret coming out so early... I wish I had waited until I went off to college because by then I would be on my own and I wouldn't have to make such a wreak of my house. He blames mom for my "gayness" and would constantly hit me. I have a scar of my back but it's not very noticeable because it's on my spine."

"That's horrible." Alex was incredibly weak.

"Yeah, I guess so. I don't think I would be who I am today though if I hadn't come out."


"I wish I had more time with my team though."

"I think It's time I tell you why I'm so um... afraid... of storms..."


"I trust you John not to tell anyone!" Emphasis on anyone.

"I would never!"

"Okay. When I was a kid in the Caribbean I lived with my mom and father. When I was seven I think my dad left because he was fed up with the money situation. I don't know where he is and I don't care either. Just a couple years ago now,  there was a hurricane. It was... horrible.My mother and I grew so sick... It t-took her away... But I was a-alive. I-I couldn't seem to die. I m-moved in with m-my cousin. He committed suicide. And I was just t-there! The hurricane wiped out the whole town. I w-wrote my w-way out and and I got into a foster program which is when I was eventually adopted by the Washington's." Alex was practically sobbing at this point. I held him tightly and continued telling him things to calm him down. "I'm forgetting to much but i think that's all for now." 

"Alex, how about we try and get some sleep." Lighting struck and Alex flinched. "Here take my earbuds. I'll play some music to cancel out the thunder and rain." Alex grabbed the earbuds and I played some music for him to listen too.

"Thank you, goodnight."


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