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a/n: LONG CHAPTER! also if you are reading please vote so i know whether people like this or not!!


"Wakey, wakey!" I faintly heard my legs felt numb and I couldn't move them.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes so I could see better. 

"Wake up!" I was now being shaked by... Alex? Alex was on top of me. I always pictured him as a bottom. After I snapped out of that though I naturally freaked the fuck out. 


"Chill, chill! I'm waking you up we are gonna be late for breakfast!"

"Oh!" I sprung up leaving little distance between Alex and I before he crawled down the ladder. I crawled down as well to see Alex was in a t-shirt and swim trunks. Damn. I grabbed my trunks out of my suit case and scurried to the bathroom. I slid them on and walked out to find a t-shirt. I found one and put it on. I also grabbed on of those disposable cameras

"You ready?" Alex said gleefully.

"Yup." I smiled widely happy to get some food in my stomach and see Alex. We trotted over and ate pancakes in the cafeteria. Once we were finished with that we went to go swim.

"Are you ready to canon ball in to the lake?" Alex said speaking with his hands waving them around.

"Not to sure. How deep is it?" 

"It's no very deep the first couple of feet but two or three yards in, or at the end of the dock, it starts to get less shallow."

"Is there animals or fish in the water?"

"Alligators and large fish."

"What?" I freaked out and stopped walking. What kind of person goes to an alligator infested lake and swims?

"I'm joking! There is some small fish and turtle but nothing crazy. C'mon now we arn't getting anywhere just standing!"

"Oh okay." I continued walking resisting the urge to hold onto Alex's hand. After a minute we were at the dock. Alex immediately started running and took off his shirt while doing so. He tossed it back onto one of the wooden benches on the doc and jumped in. I started to chuckle. His hair which had either been in a messy bun or pony tail was now down and all wet. It was a cute look. I took my shirt off, set down my camera, and walked down a set of slippery algae covered stairs, almost slipping, into the water. It was cool and relaxing. It was around waist deep on me and just above his waist on Alex. After settling in Alex grabbed my wrists and dragged me into the water face first. I went right under and thought of the best way of revenge. I grabbed Alex's ankles and pulled them. He slid under creating one of the greatest most hilarious sights of the summer. I came out from under the water and started busting out laughing. Alex came up with a pouty look on his face.  He splashed water in my face and we continued doing that to each other for a while before Herc and Laf came. 

"Hey, love birds." Laf said with a smirk. Herc looked just as smug. Alex and I both blushed. 

"Hello you two." Alex said with the fakest smile I had seen on his face. I smiled at Laf and Herc as they walked in the water. After a while of talking the Schuylers showed up and we started swimming more. 

"It's so nice out." Eliza said putting her hair behind her ear. I noticed she had turned away from  Alex but I shrugged it off. Peggy was on Laf's shoulders screaming something to Angelica. 

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now