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"Well that was fun, don't you think?" Alex said turning to me. I snapped out of my last thought. 

"Yeah it was." 

"It's eleven-thirty are you gonna go to bed?"

"To be completely honest, I'm not so tired and if I went to bed I would just lay there doing nothing." I laughed

"Me too, John. Me too."

"Do you want to do anything until we get tired?" 

"Sure. Have any ideas?"

"Not really. 

"How about we just say things about our selves back and forth until that gets boring?"

"Why not?" We walked over the couch and sat facing each other. 

"Um, I'll start first. I am 16."

"I'm also 16."

"I was adopted."

"Oh? I live with to many siblings, my mother, and a homophobic father."

"Damn that must suck. My adoptive parents are super accepting. I guess I got lucky with that..." He paused to think of sometime to say. "I live in New York City."

"I live just outside of the city but I lived in South Carolina for most of my life."

"I'm cold." 

"Me too." I said laughing.

"Want to just share my blanket?" he said a little reluctantly.

"Sure." I said smiling. He grabbed his blanket and wrapped it his self and I. I scooted in closer to get more of the blanket. 

"Do you know what we are doing tomorrow?" Alex asked once we both were comfortable.

"It's a free day. Personally I was thinking of swimming because I haven't gone in the lake yet."

"I'll go with you if that's okay of course. It's great and if I could have the lake in the city I would."

"Of course you can come and swim. I hadn't asked anybody and I was gonna just sit in the cabin and draw if I didn't know anybody going in the lake." I chuckled.

"You draw? That's so cool. Do you have any drawings I can see?" Alex was so curious it was adorable and I couldn't say no.

"Yeah let me grab my sketch book and I'll show you a couple drawings." I slid out of the blanket and went to the top of the bunk. I grabbed my sketch book out from under my pillow and crawled out of the bunk.

"Here it is." I said presenting it in front of Alex.

"You like turtles, don't you?"

"Like is an understatement." We both laughed and I slid back into the blanket. "You can flip through the pages if you want."

"Okay." He said smile growing on his face. "Holy shit, John"

"What? Is something wrong? Are they really that bad.?" I paniced for a moment.

"No they are amazing!" He turned to me with stars in his eyes. "You can draw like Da Vinci!" 

"Oh." I blushed way to much but lets face it, I would blush at any complement from Alex." We both stared at each other in the eyes.

"So is there any hobbies you do?" I questioned breaking the silence.

"I love to write. My family says I never stop." He laughed.

"What do you write about?" I asked.

"It depends. I'm on a debate team so I write about that. Sometimes I write articles for the local paper."

"That's really cool." I smiled. He smiled.

"So... want to continue our little facts game?"

"Sure I'll go first this time." I paused and thought of the first thing that came to mind. "I'm single."

"Me too." And that was perfect I had a chance with him. "I've never had a boyfriend."

"Oh really? I have and he wasn't the best." Tears started to well in my eyes and Alex noticed. He rubbed my back.

"Well, on a lighter note you're not with him any more and as far as I'm aware he isn't here."

"True." I wiped my eyes. "It's getting late and I think we should go to bed."

"It is isn't it?" he replied. I stood up out of the blanket and Alex stood as well. He hugged me. i hugged him back and we kinda just stayed like that for a couple seconds. I left go.

"Goodnight." I smiled.


I crawled up to my bunk and I couldn't stop smiling like and idiot. I just hugged him and I'm learning more about him every minute.

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now