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A/n: SO i wrote a different chapter 26 but I didn't like it. (april 11th)


vv important vv

Okay so, Over the past few weeks I have been incredibly stressed out and putting school first is my priority and always will be. I had an essay and project which has taken up my time since late march and as of right now I have another essay due May 7th. I don't want to say social anxiety because im not diagnosed with anything but I've come to a point where I think it could be so, has sky rocketed has really affected me and left me drained after speaking a lot. I've been working on this book since NOVEMBER and I want to get it done soon to work on the sequel!! Please let me know what you want to see happen in the last weeks of summer. (any ships, characters, plots, or ideas) I plan on exploring Maria and Peggy in the next book while John is still the center ofc. I want an actual conflict so I will be mapping it out prior :) Anyways thank you for you continued support it means the WORLD.


I closed my eyes floating in the water in a tube. My feet were on top of Peggy's float so we wouldn't float away from each other while we soaked in the sun. Alex was currently dragging Hercules and Laf out of their cabin so I had time to talk one on one with Peggy.

"How are you and Alex? Especially after last night?" She said softly.

"Good! I feel like Alex and I were made for each other as cliche as that sounds." I said sighing. "How are Maria and you?"

"Good but um... You have to swear you'll keep this a secret, John." Peggy said warily.

I leaned up slightly opening my eyes to a Peggy who was staring at my sunglasses lifted on her head. "Of course... what is it?" I said concerned. Peggy looked around to make sure nobody was around to ease drop and began to speak.

"Okay, so Maria, wait let me back track. Remember when she came into the cabin that one night looking all disheveled?"


"And how you told me she looked kinda like she was beat the last time we hung out because we couldn't sleep?"

"Yeah? Please don't tell me this is going where I think it's going." I said lowering my voice.

"Well, she was with James Reynolds before she came to hang out."

"You don't mean..."

"Yeah, I mean exactly what you are thinking! She was fucking abused!" Peggy said lowering her voice because it was rising.

"Holy shit." I said appalled.

"Yeah. She already has taken action but I still can't get it off my mind!" Peggy wailed distraught.

"Okay well, the others are walking into the water with their floats now so you are going to have to take a break from that now." I said sympathetically. 

"Fine." Peggy said putting her sun glasses back over her eyes leaning back into the float. I leaning back as well thinking about what she said. We relaxed in peace for what felt like thirty seconds before Alex, Hercules, and Laf came and tipped us over. 

"What was that for?!" Peggy screamed reaching for her float and putting her sun glasses on her head. 

"Not sure, I guess we thought it would be funny." Laf shrugged.

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