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A/N: The story ends soon. :) thank you so much for the endless support. I'm not sure if ill continue this story into their school lives but i do want to figure some stuff out.  IM SO SORRY I TAKE FOREVER TO UPDATE UGH 



I sat in the cabin laughing my ass off because of something Laf said. It was eight thirty and the sun had fully set. Summer would be over in a week and a half and it was unbelievable. It went by incredibly fast and I was still in disbelief. I made some of the best friends I've had in just days of coming to this camp and I had plans of still talking to them all. Especially Alex. I was crying just  a few hours ago from joy possibly and now I'm back to me. This is how I want to feel forever. When school starts, who knows what will happen. Before school starts I'll be able to process the photos I've taken in the disposable cameras and settle in my new house. My new house. It'll be home with my mother and siblings. And school, wow. School with Alex and real friends? WOW. I can't even believe how my life goes from total shit to an american bliss. It's bittersweet to say the least. To be honest, I wasn't even sure about coming here to begin with too. I'm so glad I did.

"John, what are you doing when you get back home?" Hercules asked knocking me out from my thoughts.

"Probably school shopping and job searching."

"Not hanging out with Alex?" Peggy teased.

"Not sure, I'd like to but there is only so much time before school starts and I have a feeling I'm going to be busy."

"Yeah, me too." Alex chimed in.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked. Aaron turned around.

"I'm hanging out with Angie and then I'm going to go spend time with my family." Everyone cooed.

"I'm going to get my hair cut and then rest." Eliza spoke softly.

"How short are you going to cut it?" ask Laf.

"About here." Eliza replied waving her hand just below her shoulder. "I'm bored of my super long hair."

"That will love very nice." 

"John what are you looking at?" Maria asked nudging my arm.

"Oh nothing, just looking outside while I listen to the conversation." Maria turned to look out the window.

"The sunset is beautiful." Maria says eyes glue to the window as well.

"It is." I reply.

"It's nice to just live in the moment."

"It is." That's when it dawned on me;  I hadn't been taking many photos lately, for better or worse. I sat up and shuffled my way to my bag with the cameras.

"Guys, everyone get together I want a photo of us all!"

"Okay." Everyone huddled up and I joined to. I did my best attempt to take a photo of all of us before Laf did it himself since he had longer arms. In addition to the group photo we took so many more that the camera ran out of film. 

"Okay wow." Herc said sarcastically.

"You'll have to share some of those photos with us!" Angelica  said energetically.

"I will!" I said.

"We will have to keep in touch!" Eliza said walking towards the door with her sisters.

"We'd love to stay longer but it's time for us to go!" Peggy said being forced out by her sisters.

"Text me John!"

"I will! Herc what time is it?"

"I don't know?"


"I need to call my mom she's gonna freak out and I can't find me phone."


"Have you checked your pockets?" Aaron asked peeved.

"No, of course not!" I said sarcastically. Alex looked around with me while Laf and Herc canoodled on the couch. 

"John." Maria called. "What if I call your phone?"

"Do it, please!" 

"I'm gonna go while you look for your phone okay?" Aaron stated walking out the door.

"Okay!" I said looking in the bed.

"I'm calling it." Maria said waving her phone.


"Maybe it dead?" Laf spewed.

"I fucking hope it's not."

"Do you want to call her on my phone?" Herc offered.

"That would be awesome! Except I don't know the last four digits of her number." I said groaning.

"We can't really help much in that case." Laf said.

"It's fine. You guys can go back to your cabin and canoodle there while I try and find my phone."

"Okay. See you tomorrow." Laf said pretending to be offended. Herc and Laf stood up and left.

"Alex, where all have you not looked?" 

"I've looked everywhere, Maria. Did you have it when you came in the cabin?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah? I'm pretty sure."

"Do you think you left it in the canoe?"

"I said I had it?"

"We should go look."


More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now