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1/28/18 SHORT CHAPTER I would just like to point out i had 119 notifications when I woke up this morning and I fucking squealed. i couldnt believe it and i stuggled with replying to comments so I mostly answered questions and lewd comments. Thank you so much! Could possibly be the last update for at least a week because I'm starting the second semester and im in drivers ed rn uGH. Idk how time will work. Maybe i'll prewrite something and post it wednesday. Anyways, I'm gonna try and fix my big mistake of angst and make things better. :)


"And that's pretty much it." I said staring at my hands. 

"John... Why didn't you tell me all of this before?"

"Because I wasn't ready... I don't know if I was going to be ready ever..." I said choking back tears.

"Jefferson should pay for his behavior!"

"No... It's too late. I just want to start fresh and go along with my life. Everything is catching up at once and I'm not ready. Once summer is over I'm going to a place I've never seen for like a week before starting school. And I've never even gone to that school! I don't know how my mom and siblings are! I text my mom but she is either at work or helping my siblings."


"No. I can't take this."


"Please! Let me finish... I just want everything to go back to normal but its hard when you feel like you're being interrogated by everybody. Alex, I love you so fucking much and I feel like I'm not showing that and instead I'm just being a problematic asshole." Alex looked at me sadly and hugged me. I hugged back and just stayed there staring at the wall behind Alex before I started balling my eyes out. He hugged me tighter and we just stood there hugging for what felt like hours. 

"I'm so sorry." I said through tears.

"It's fine, John." 

"But it's not..." I said quietly.

"It is. John, I accept what ever apology you have for me just please be more honest and open. I hate seeing you hurt. I love you." Alex said rubbing circles on my back.

"Thank you." 

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now