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a/n: thanks for 100 views :D please keep commenting and voting so I know that you guys want more. It helps keep me motivated! <3


I woke up this morning to the sound of the shower running. I looked over to see Alex gone so I figured he was showering. I got down from the bunk and decided I had time to change my clothes so I went to grab some shorts  from my bag. I put the shorts on and took my shirt off. I didn't notice that the shower had turned off so I proceeded to grab a shirt from my bag. The bathroom door opened and Alex stood there wide eyed staring at me. Once he notice I was staring too he got all flustered. 

"I'm so sorry it's just you're right there and I thought you were asleep and I just needed to shower and I'm sorry if I woke you up I knew I should have waited and-"

"It's fine." I smiled and put my shirt on as he walked over to his bunk still redder than a tomato. I followed him over so I could spark some conversation.

"What did you do while I was swimming with Peggy?"

"Nothing much. After you left I started to read my book. The camp has such a nice little library we should go sometime. I digress. I read that book until lunch and eat lunch late because I didn't notice the time. Did that alone and came back and I didn't want to read my book so I got on my phone and listened to some music , looked on snap chat, and just thought about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"You, me, my book." Alex chuckled.

"Sweet." I smiled sweetly. 

"Anyways, I was thinking about going to the lake again today and just hanging out. Maybe we could talk some more. I am a little sick of cabin right now and it's the last place I want to be." Alex turned to me so that we were face to face. "Would you come? Just you and me?"

"Of course." I smiled and went in for a kiss. It was just a peck but it meant everything in that moment.


Alex and I finally had made our way to the dock. I was holding on the the disposable cameras and Alex was holding his phone. We both sat our towels down and I went to take a picture of the lake.  



"Come here I want a picture!"

"Ok." He smiled and walked next to me. We both smiled but right when the picture was being taken I kissed his cheek.

"Oh my gosh you are so corny!" Alex looked really cute flustered. I just laughed and put the camera on the bench with out towels. Alex jumped right in with his phone in his hand which concerned me.

"Dude you're phone!"

"It has a life proof case on it!" Alex laughed at me which was fine because I would too. I jumped in next to him. 

"We should go to the turtle. Last one there has to do what ever the other says?"

"Deal!" Alex had stars in his eyes we counted down from three. We both same as fast as possible but I made it there first. Lucky me. We both climbed up the turtle panting.

"Okay, Alex, since I got here first I want you to kiss me."

"Very well. Let me catch my breath first." After a couple seconds of us just trying to catch out breaths Alex sat his phone down and went in for a kiss. Slowly I ended up leaning back and melting into the kiss and Alex was on top of me. It wasn't much of a kiss, more like a make out, but I'm not one to complain. He pulled away to breath and sat back up. I did the same thing.

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now