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a/n: This chapter was so hard to write because I didn't know how to progress it. It's been like a week and this was all i came up with but writing this story makes me so happy! I've added the little heart things to the chapter. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter its gonna be fluffy with some secrets and details uncovered ;)


I woke up this morning with Alex in my arms. Our legs were intertwined and the blanket keeping us warm. I wouldn't change anything about it. Alex was breathing the most steady I had ever felt since the night of the storm, granted it had only been days but it had felt like forever. He was so peaceful when he slept. I grabbed my phone the check the time, five-thirty-two.  I took a picture on snapchat and saved it to my memories. I then saved it to my camera roll and set it as my lock screen.  I knew at this point there was no trying to go back to sleep so I just scrolled through instagram and snuggled with sleeping Alex, or so I thought. 

Alex turned around from our spooning position so he was now facing me. 

"Hey~" His voice was slow and quiet.

"Hi!" I whisper screamed. "I didn't realize you were awake." I was blushing but he couldn't see it due to the lack of light.

"There was light in my face and some shuffling in the bed."

"Oh... right."

"What time is it?"

"Sometime past five-thirty."

"I'm not gonna be able to go back to sleep now that I'm talking."

"Me too, Alex."

"Wanna do something?"

"Like what? I don't think any of the activities are going on until after breakfast hours."

"No duh. We can either stay in here or sneak out."

"How are we gonna sneak out? Have you done it before?"

"Yes. Anyways if we sneak out we have to be back before breakfast hours."

"Okay, that's in like two hours anyways." 

"Just making sure that's clear. We could go into the woods, there is a tree house me and some friends would go in all the time."

"Sounds fun!"

"Hop up and get your water bottle it's gonna get hot outside when the sun starts to rise."

And with that Alex and I left. I had my back pack with our water bottles, phones, a blanket, and one of my cameras. The walk was about 10 minutes since it was hard to navigate in the pale moonlight. Finally Alex found it. 

"I found it!" Alex looked so excited and that made my heart flutter.

"Great!" Alex started to climb right in a reached for my bag so it was easier for me to climb. Alex looked around for a ladder which was covered in cob webs. He kicked them away and climbed up it with my bag on his back. I followed not asking any questions because he seemed so stoked. 

"It's just how I remember, minus the leaves and cob webs."

"It's really high up don't you think?"

"We are fine, it's stable! Come over here we can say the blanket down and just hang."

"Okay." I smiled as I helped Alex lay the blanket down wiping away leaves. We both sat on top of the blanket and got our water bottles. "We should get to know each other better." 

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now