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a/n: 2/11/18 i got  a burst of inspiration so hopefully this chapter is good >:( probs two updates today <3


His lips were on mine moving in sync. He was like a drug and I was addicted to it. My hands traced his body as he pulled me closer. I left a trail of kisses down to his neck. His moans were music to my ears and the way he squirmed under me from pleasure was toxic. We were in a pure bliss before

"JOHN!" Peggy screamed shaking me.


"John! You've been rolling onto your stomach and back onto your back for the past ten minutes! I've been trying to wake you up but you were so fast asleep!" Peggy shouted.

"Wait where's Alex?"

"He had to go to the Washington's like thirty minutes ago and sent me here to wake you up because you didn't when he left. He should be back any time now and so my efforts were pointless but he wanted me to give you this." Peggy handed me an envelope and left, but not after saying good bye. Once she left I opened the envelope and it read "I'm very sorry I couldn't wake you up but since you are reading this I assume Peggy did. I went to the Washington's earlier to talk with them and discuss the rest of summer. There is supposed to be a storm tonight unfortunately but I still would like to at least hang out with our friends until dinner. Hopefully that is fine with you. Love, Alex." I could read that in his voice. Hopefully our friends would like to join us to I sent a text to them in a group chat but only Laf and Herc were up for it. Just as I was about to go in the bathroom to shower Alex walked in. 


"John!" Alex dropped the books he was holding and quickly walked over to me. I stopped him before hugging me.

"What?" Alex said looking slightly offended.

"I stink really bad and I need to shower desperately. I can smell myself in the air." I said in pure disgust.

"I didn't want to mention." He said sheepishly. 

"I'll be quick and once i get out we can hug!"

"Okay." He grinned as I walked into the bathroom and I quickly took my shower. I came out of the bathroom and tackled Alex who was reading a book in front of the back window. 

"AH!" Alex and I rolled on the ground before we stopped next to each other.

"What was that for?" Alex giggled.

"I said we can hug when I got out of the shower!"

"That took way less time than you normally take."

"Well I didn't spend five minutes staring at the drain today so"

"Okay Okay!"

"What were you reading?" I asked looking into his brown eyes.

"Animal Farm by George Orwell." 

"Lame! I've read that book like three times!"

"Really?" Alex said in disbelief.

"Of course! 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others'" I said reciting a quote.

"Hey spoilers!" 

"Oh my bad, I figured you would have read it back words by now."

"Haha very funny."

"Oh what ever." I said kissing his nose.

"You nerd! What else have you read?" Alex said obviously intrigued.

"The Giver and Fahrenheit 451 are some of my favorites."

"You like old books on distopian societies, I can tell?" He said looking into my eyes.

"Yeah I guess so." I said scratching the back of my neck and standing up.

"Me too." He said smiling. We laughed for a minute before he stood u[ and  kissed me on the lips.

"Dork!" I said sticking out my tongue.

"Oh I'm the dork?" He said wrapping his arms around me.

"The jock is a secret book worm!" Alex acted out.

"And he is in love with a dweeb!" Alex blushed.

"What a cliche." He said looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah but this time it's gay!" I said kissing Alex.

"All we need is a varsity jacket and girls wooing over you."

"I don't know about girls wooing over me but I can let you wear my varsity jacket." I said letting go and walking to my suitcase. "I never got a chance to wear it this summer because it's been so hot but it's pretty gloomy today so maybe you want to wear it?"

"Of course!" Alex said walking over to me. I handed him my jacket and he put it on. It was a little over sized but it was still super cute.

"You look adorable." I said staring at him.

"You can look," Alex aid turning around. "But you can't touch!" He turned his head and put his hands on his hips. We burst out into laughter and I went over and hugged Alex.

"You know Herc and Laf wanted us to join them at their cabin?" I asked Alex.

"Yeah they texted me. We have like thirty minutes. We have to be back before dinner and the rain though..." He ended quietly.

"Of course!" 

"Thank you." He said softly.

"Alrighty, in those thirty minutes what ever should we do?"

"Well, as much as I would love to make out, I think we should take photos or talk. Or maybe I could finish my book."

"Yes photos!" I grabbed a disposable camera and my photo and took some photos of Alex who was busy looking for his phone. I scurried over to Alex and took a photo of me kissing him with a disposable camera. He turned kissing me and taking a picture with his IPhone. I kissed him make and I'm sure that made for a good picture. We made out for a minute, despite him saying not to, and headed out for Herc and Laf's cabin. 

"Hola!" Laf said cheerfully!

"Hola, cómo estás?" Alex said clearly fluent in spanish.

"Muy bien! Y tu?" Laf was very confident and proud.

"Muy bien."

"Can you two stop I don't under stand anything going on." Herc said squinting his eyes.

"They are just greeting each other and asking how they are." I said with my prior knowledge.

"Oh? Whose jacket are you wearing, Alex?"

"Oh. John's" Alex said sheepishly.

Laf and Herc smugly looked at each other and smirked before looking back at us.

"SO, what do you guys have planned?" Alex asked.

"We were thinking just talk about what ever is on our minds, watch a movie, and eat lunch?" Herc suggested.

"Sounds good." I said smiling. For the next couple hours we chatted and went our ways before dinner.


More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now