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I hope you don't mind I took the bottom bunk. If you want it I'll move my things." Alex says.

"Oh no you can have the bottom bunk." I say nonchalantly. I bring the box my mom gave me over to the futon and sit down.

"Whats that box for?" Alex asks curiously walking towards me. 

"I don't really know. My mom gave it to me before she left and told me to open it up in the cabin. Your guess is as good as mine so I'm just gonna open it." I lift the lid to be greeted by a note. I unfold it and start reading. It wasn't long and let Alex peek over at it.

John, this box is so you learn to live in the moment. Make your summer last as long as you can and make it be as fun as you can. I gave you these so you can live in the moment. 

Love, Mom

"Hmm." I look in the box and I see multiple disposable cameras. 

"That's really interesting. Not gonna lie it's quiet clever too." Alex says. I carefully unbox one of the cameras and figure out how to take a picture with it. I try and take a picture of Alex and I but it proved to be more difficult than I expected. I was content enough with the photo I took, it's not like I was able to see it for another 3 months so I knew i was going to be in for a treat.

"We still have time before the welcome meeting so what do you want to do?" 

"Not sure how about we get to know each other a bit?" I say just wanting to see his smile. He nods and we sit on the carpet in front of the futon.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue how about you?" He waits a moment and responds "Green."

"That's a nice color." I chuckle.

"Yeah." He chuckles as well.

We kept talking for a good twenty minutes and some how the conversation drifted toward sexuality. 

"I'm sure you'll figure out eventually so I guess I'll just say it now. I'm gay." I was hesitant to tell Alex but it was inevitable. He was silent. I started to panic until he spoke.

"That's cool. I'm bi so I guess I'm not such an outlier." He weakly smiled at me an I returned the smile. I examined him. Long dark hair, pretty eyes,    that damn smile. I looked away and checked the time. 

"It's about time we go to the meeting. Want to walk together?" I ask Alex hoping it will break the awkwardness. 

He smiled. "Sure." 

More Than a Summer Fling | Modern Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now