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The welcome meeting was finally over. It was short and just a basic run down of what we were going to be doing. On the first Friday night there was going to be a bonfire and get together for the kids in the camp. It was sometime in the afternoon so Alex and I went to the dock on the lake. We sat with our feet just over top of the water we two other guys sat on the other side of the dock holding hands. How cute?  Alex and I were just talking about our lives before he recognized them.

"Laf! Herc!" Alex turn and did a hand shake with them while I sat confused.

"It's been to long, mon ami! Who is this?" The tall, curly haired guy looked directly at me.

"Oh, of course! Lafayette, Hercules,  this is John Laurens. He is my cabin mate this year." Alex said smiling as if we had known each other for years. 

"Hello." I smiled faintly glad that I might make some more friends.

"Hey, John. You can call me what ever." Hercules said waving with his free hand. 

"Hey, you can call me Laf." Laf said proudly. "How old are you?"


"So are we."


After that it got awkward but I could tell that was the start of a good friendship. We conversed for a while before going to the lunch room to get some snacks. I stopped by my cabin and got the first camera just In case I wanted to take a picture. For lunch we all got sandwiches. 

"Has John met anybody else other than us, Alex?" Laf asked.

"No he hasn't come to think of it. Nobody has really come this whole week but everybody should be here today. Have you guys seen the Schuyler's?"

"the Schuylers?" I questioned wondering if they were good, bad, and who they are in general.

"The Schuyler's are 3 sisters and that's what they are call. Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. They are very sweet and very single last time I checked." Hercules said giving me a smug face. 

"Oh no, no, no, I don't, um, swing that way." I nervously laughed. Laf and Herc looked at each other, smirked, and went back to eating. Alex looked less than pleased. After eating we went back to Alex and I's cabin together. The day just seemed to drag on endlessly until the bonfire. I meet Eliza who seemed very nice. I was told Angelica was talking to some guy and Peggy was just hoping group to group when I met her. Peggy was definitely the youngest and had curly pigtails. She talked kinda fast but was somebody I wanted to continue being friends with. After the bonfire our group of four went to the cabin once more. 

"Ok, John. Every year Herc, Laf, and I play games like truth or dare during the night. It's a lot more fun than I'm making it out to be. Sometimes we have the Schuyler's or other people join us but it's just us four tonight." Alex laughed. It was so charming.

"I think we play truth or dare tonight so we don't totally wear John out." Laf said with a thick french accent. 

"Sounds like a plan to me. How about you two?" Hercules said pushing Alex's shoulder.

"Okay." Alex and I both spoke in harmony.

"I'll start." Laf said. "Hercules, truth. or. dare."


"How many straight relationships have you been in before me?" We all oooed at this question. Hercules took a minute before responding.

"Five but none of them were real relationships expect one." He said looking down a little. Laf hummed.

"John, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, Truth!" 

"Honest opinions on us three?"

"Well, You and Laf I just met today but I think we could be good friends and Alex. He's nice and a good friend. I don't really know how to describe people I've known for such a small amount of time but I think that's good enough?" I chuckled.  

"That's reasonable enough." 

"Alex, truth or dare?" 

"Dare!" He said with stars in his eyes.

"I dare you," i pause to think. "I dare you to run outside and scream at the top of your lungs."

"Psssh! Thats dumb." 

"I'm not finished." Hercules and Laf laughed.

"I dare you to run outside and scream in your underwear." 

"Challenge accepted." Laf started bursting out in uncontrollable laughter and it was contagious to say the least. Alex started to take his clothes off started with his shirt. I was definitely blushing but I played it off like it was because I was laughing.  He took his pants off and boy of boy did I wish it was just us two. He confidentially stood at the door. 

"John, do you want me to just stand on the steps or like walk all the way out?"

"Y-you can just stand on the steps"  I said whipping a tear from my eye from laughing so hard. 

"Alrighty." He said taking 3 more steps and screaming as loud as he possibly could. He stopped and ran right back inside closing the door behind him. 

"I can't believe you actually did that!" Hercules said. 

"Yeah you definitely stepped out of your comfort zone there for John." Laf said laughing and looking at Hercules.

"Ha ha very funny." Alex said pulling his pants back on. 

"Herc, truth or dare?" Alex said putting his shirt back on.

"Truth." he said flatly. 

"What did you do with Laf that one night you refused to go midnight swimming with the Schuylers, Aaron, and I?" Alex asked smirking. Hercules and Laf looked at each other like tomatoes. 

"Well, we went to our cabin and cuddled and made out and hung out?" 

"Care to elaborate on hanging out?"

"Nah I'm good."

Alex burst out laughing and I just sat confused but I got the memo. We continued to play for the rest of the night until Laf and Herc left. Then it was Alex and I. I liked the sound of that. I'm definently crushing on my cabin mate and I'm stuck with him for the next three months.

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