Boys Go By Codes?

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Quensilla's POV

It was lunch time again and the boys sat with us. I was purposefully ignoring Theodore and I know he noticed.

Lauren and Z'hiem, were just chatting it up, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Silla.  .  . are you alright?" Theodore asks and Chase just stares at me intently. Surprisingly, he didn't talk to me much today.

"Yes." I say curtly and he raises an eyebrow.

"You sure?"

Y'know what?

I grab my phone and scroll through the messages. Coming across the unknown number I show it to him.

"Here." He looks at it and raises both eyebrows before turning towards Chase.

"Did you read the last text?" Theodore asks and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't need to."

"I think you did sweetie." Roy speaks up and I furrow my eyebrows.

What? This isn't Theodore.  .  it's Chase.

"How'd you know what I sent was for Theodore?" I ask Chase my eyes wide.

"He talks about you. A lot." Chase shrugs and I sigh.

"I am so sorry." I mutter to Chase and he smirks.

Theodore abruptly gets up, grabbing his bag a leaves.

"Crap. Theod-"

"Let him cool off." Christopher says, grabbing my arm.

"He'll just snap at you if you talk to him now." I nod reluctantly staring in the direction he left.

Chase stared at me intently, tilting his head.

* * *

The last class, Theodore showed up pretty late, he gave me some harsh looks and sat far away.

I bite my lip and stare at the teacher.

Its not that I was developing feelings for him or whatever .  .  . but I felt bad that I accused him.

Rubbing my hands all over my face, I wait till the bell rings before I walk towards him.

"Theodore!" I call out and he halts but doesn't turn around. I walk to face him and he rolls his eyes. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to accuse you it's just  after all you did.   ."

"My number is saved in your phone Y'know. " He raises an eyebrow and I sigh.

"I wasn't thinking." He looks at me for a moment before nodding.

"Alright. " I smile at him and he tilts his head.

Is that all they ever do!

Their stupid heads will fall off one day, mark my words.

"Hey.   . um we're going to the café right now.   . you wanna come?" I ask peering up and him and he nods.

*  *  *

"Hey, Silla, the seat's pretty packed. How about we sit here?" Chase calls and I look across to find one table, two seats.

"Okay." I murmur and he pulls out my chair. I smile at that and he soon sits also.

I can feel someone's hard glare at my head and I can already guess who.

"Man, you can stop staring at them now." Christopher teases and Roy guffaws.

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