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Quensilla's POV

The next morning I was the first to get up, I rake my hand over my face as Theodore lay sleeping
soundly, he looked like a baby. His pink lips were slightly pouted, and his hair fell over his forehead.

He needs a trim.

I slowly push my pillow in my place and stand, quietly opening my wardrobe. What am I wearing today?

I grab a blue T-shirt that said 'I'm an Irish Potato', and some dark jeans, with tiny rips. I throw it on my chair and eye Theodore to make sure he was sleeping before quickly taking off my large shirt and shorts. I had a sports bra on, thank the heavens. As soon as I turn around though. . .

"If I knew I was getting a strip show I would have slept so long." I jump, quickly spinning to find Theodore up and smirking.

"Shut up." I murmur blushing.

"I should get going. . I didn't bring any clothes over." I nod and he stands. He doesn't walk towards the door, rather me.

I take a step back and he grabs my arm pulling me onto him and I gasp.

" Theodore. " I warn as his hands roam dangerously close to my ass and he smirks.

"What?" He asks innocently as they grope my butt and I roll my eyes, leaning onto his chest as he chuckles. My back was facing the window and he played with the waist line of my underwear.

"I need to take a shower."

"Let's save water."

"You didn't bring any clothes." I smirk.

"I could wear yours." He winks, before frowning, realizing what he just said. and I gape.

"I am so going to tell the boys!" I laugh and he growls.

"You wouldn't." He says and I smirk.

"Oh yes baby, I woul-" I gasp as a heavy hand collides with my butt cheek. "Theodore!" Its his time to snigger and I glare playfully at him. My eyes drop to his chest where my hickeys lay and he smirks.

"They look great."

"I know." I wink and he rolls his eyes.

"Alright. Give me a kiss so I can leave." He says pouting and I kiss his outstretched lips.

"I'll see you at school." I murmur as we pull away and he nods, pulling on his now dry shirt.

"Later babe." He kisses my cheek and leaves. I smile to myself before turning to close the blinds again since Theodore decided it was too hot last night. Its sad that I didn't notice the figure standing outside though.
* * *

"Babe did you hear?" Lauren looks around as we walk through the halls.

"Hear what?"

"Ocean's out of jail." She sighs and I choke on my saliva.

"Already?!" She nods. It can't be him I saw outside last night. .  please don't let it be.

"Hey." I jump as a very shirtless Theodore stands in front of me. His hickeys apparent.

"What're you doing?!" I squeal looking around.

"What? I have practice." He says innocently.

"Put on a damn shirt." I tell him thinking of a way to hide the marks.

"Pssh, half the school's already seen it." He winks.

"You did that?" Lauren's eyes were wide.

"No!" I lie and she squeals.

"What else did you guys do?!" She yells and I hug Theodore.

"Aww, as much as I'd love to embrace you right now, your reasons are a bit suspicious so." He pries me off him, planting a kiss in front of everyone and I blush.

"I'll see you later yea?" I avert my eyes nodding and he chuckles, pinching my butt before leaving.

"Gahhh!" Lauren jumps with excitement. "You guys are so cutee! Is that another one?" She gapes pointing to my neck.

"Shut up." I murmur embarrassed, almost forgetting that Ocean was back until. .

"Miss me?"

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