Please Don't Let Him Win

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Quensilla's POV

"I still don't know why you chose to wear this." Theodore complains pointing to the bog really revealing bikini I had on.

"You said we were going to be getting wet!" I say defensively.

"Those weren't my words but okay." He smirks and I gape.

"Boy shut up." I smack his arm and he chuckles as we approach the waterfall.

And no, I didn't walk in a bikini up the trail.

"It looks cold." Theodore mutters.

"Wimp." I grumble under my breathe and he picks me up.


"Did you just call me a wimp?" He asks walking towards the water.

"No!" I lie laughing and he smirks.

"Give me a kiss." He demands and I happily comply, pecking his lips. "Great." Was the last thing I hear before I was in the air, screaming.

"Theodore! What the h-"


I swim to the surface breathing hard

"This is so cold." I shiver as he resurfaces, removing his wet shirt. He gives me a smart face and I roll my eyes.

I swim closer to the waterfall and stand under it, enjoying the feel of the eater cascading down my body.

I smile happily and barely notice hands snaking around my waist.

"You like it?" He whispers and I giggle, probably drunk on water.

I nod, knowing I had to yell to answer him.

He turns me around in his arms  and I eye his hair as it lay flat on his face. I can't help but laugh and he roll his eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't look as beautiful as you all the time." I smile warmly even if it was a joke.

"Kiss me again?" He murmurs eyeing my lips and I smirk.

"And what's in it for me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What's in it for you. . " He grabs my thighs and lifts me. "Is. . I don't kiss you in front of the whole school again tomorrow."

"Deal." I say instantly and he pecks my lips.

"Deal?" He murmurs as he lays kisses down my neck and throat.

"Mhm. ." I hum and he smiles against my neck.


* * *

Opening my locker and I frown as yet another envelope falls out. I look around before pulling open the pictures.

"Oh crap." I murmur.

It was Theodore and I, at the waterfall.

Once again, I was half naked.

"Dammit." I slam the locker closed.

"You like them?" Ocean tilts his head and I clench my teeth.

"You little bi-"

"Ah, ah, ah." He smirks. "I'm still in control."

"I see those bruises are healing nicely." I smirk at his face and he glares.

"Don't worry, I'll have my payback." He soon grins and I scowl.

"You disgust me."

"But you're gonna love me. I can give you anything you want Quensilla.  Anything. So just make this easier and break up with him now."

"You tried to rape me." I raise an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes.

"So focused on the past." He chuckles. "We're here now, together. Let's make the most of it." He tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

"Just leave me alone. And stop following me."

"Listen to me." His eyes turn dark and he grabs my arm forcefully. "You're going to do exactly what I say."

"I'm not going to do anything." I snap. "All I have to do is tell Theodore your plan and it'll all be over." I turn around ready to go.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He sounds smug, I spin on my heel.

"Watch. . me." My voice dies down as my world spins. My picture buried four years ago was now dangling in his hand. I grab it and gape at him.

"Where did you get this?"

"Um the internet. Duh."

"I had it taken down." I crush it.

"Oh Darling. Nothing can ever leave the internet. Whether deleted. It's still there. Waiting to be retrieved." He smirks at me and I was about ready to hyperventilate.

"How did you even find out about this?"

"I always get what I want."

* * *

I paced my room with Lauren sitting angrily on my couch.

"We have to tell the other-"




"No! Listen to me. You're gonna avoid Theodore, break up with him the get your ass stuck with Ocean the rapist. Is that what you want?!" I shut my mouth. "Is it?!"

"No." I mumble calming down.

"Then we've got to tell them. Or just him. But it'll be better if we all knew, then we could protect you." She typed furiously on her phone but I ignored it.

"I'll just tell him for now. . I'll tell the rest when. . I'm ready." I nod and she sighs.

"Well, you're boyfriends here already. I'm gonna gibe you guys slave."

"Wait what?" I watch as Theodore suddenly walks out of my bedroom, his watch in his hand. He had an eyebrow raised as he crossed his arms and stared at me.

Right. He left it there last night.

But how did he even. . never mind.

Lauren sprints out leaving me here in trouble.


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