Its Settled Then!

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Quensilla's POV

Monday I was skipping to school. I felt giddy and anxious, something I haven't felt in a while. Theodore had texted me all through the weekend because he couldn't make it to my apartment, since he was volunteering at some thing.

What's gonna happen today?

How is he gonna act?

Crap, crap, crap there he is.

Standing outside my locker, its like highschool all over again. Y'know. . before . . anyway!

I slow my roll, and try to act cool, pushing my hair over my shoulder. He leaned causally, dressed him light skinny jeans and a simple black polo.

And he looked so good.

Alright alright! Calm your tits!

Taking a deep breath, I reach my locker and his eyes light up.

"Silla." He greets and I try to contain my grin.


"Ugh, my name sounds like an old man's name." He grunts in disgust and I burst out laughing. The whole hallway goes quiet. I slowly hiccup, blushing and he smirks at me.

"You're adorable." He murmurs and I roll my eyes.

I grab my books and he walks along side me as I head to the library.

"So. . about yesterday. ." He says placing his eyes on me and I keep staring straight forward with a knowing smile.

"What about yesterday?"

"Y'know. . when we kissed?" He states raising an eyebrow and my blush grows. I nod my head subtly, and my hair moves to cover my face.

"Ah, ah, ah." He grins, pushing it back gently and I groan. "Will it happen again?"

"I don't know. . we'll just have to wait and see."

"What if I don't want to wait and see?" He stops and I tilt my head at him. He wiggles his eyebrows and I roll my eyes giggling.

"Well. . Mr. Eager. What do you suggest?"

In no time, I'm pulled into an empty classroom, and onto the wall.

"Theodore." I warn and he drops my bag.

"What?" He mutters innocently and I raise an eyebrow. "I just brought you to class a bit early."

Sure enough, when I look around we're in English class, first class of the day.

"I'm sure the teacher will appreciate my concern for punctuality." He tilts his head.

"I don't think he'll appreciate you pinning me to the wall and staring at me like I'm some kinda meat."

"Bleh. Enough talking. Can I kiss you?" He asks and I tap my finger on my lips, pretending to think. He groans and I chuckle.

"Go right ahead."

* * *

The bell had finally rung and I was too busy fixing my hair to notice that Ocean had sat right next to me, earning a glare from Theodore.

Theodore and I haven't classified what. . this was. . whatever were doing but it's only been three days. I'm not going to ask unless he does.

"Hey." Ocean smiles and I return in.

"Hey. How are you?" I ask polietly.

"I'm good now that I'm here." He smirks and I laugh awkwardly.

"Your such a. . a. .charmer." I cough and he grins.

"I know, my mom tells me the same thing." I nod slowly and the teacher finally walks in.

Fill me with the delight of English oh powerful human!

That sounded so much better in my head.

But this is your head.

I know, but I'm just staying.

But what you're saying isn't making any sense.

I understand that but-

* * *

(A/N: I'm sorry, but I was getting tired of them.)

"So you're ignoring me now!"

"I promise I'm not!"

"Rightt, you blow me off for the entire weekend."

"I texted you for the entire weekend!"

Currently, Lauren and I were standing outside, yelling at each other like mad people.

"Text?! Text?!" She yells dramatically and I roll my eyes, opening my arms. She giggle running into them and everyone around us stared like we were deranged teenagers that belonged to cocaine.

That's alright.

I'd sniff for her any day!

"How's it been girl!" She smiles and I sigh.

"I just have so much to tell you."

* * *
"Sleep with him!" She yells.

"Lauren. We haven't even stated what we were."

"Don't sleep with him!" She yells again.

"Stop yelling woman!"

"Just. . help me out here." I sigh. "Is it too soon?"

"Too soon for what?" She asks.

"Too soon for me and him. ."

"Whose meandhim? Are they going to die? And what kinda mother names their child 'meandhim' jeez, women these days." She shakes her head and my face goes flat at the young lady sitting in front on me.

"For Theodore and I!" I grit annoyed and she smirks.

"I know honey. No need to spell it out."

"I am this close to making you go night night." I narrow my eyes.

"Okay okay. I don't think its too soon. . I mean, you've been giving him chances?" I nod. "And he's been taking them seriously?" I nod again. "Then he cares. He's making an effort. And he asked before kissing you. And let me tell you girl, not much boys would do that. He's learning. . help him learn."

"So if he asks. ."

"Say yas!" She jumps with excitement and I smile. "I'm so happy. You're finally getting over this. And if there's anyone to get over it with, its him."

"The one who caused my pain?" I ask.

"The one who caused your pain." She confirms.

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