Not Again

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Quensilla's POV

"Hey." I say trying to act cool as I run a hand through me hair but he just stares at me. "How much did you hear?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks and I sigh.

"Babe, he threatened me. And you're not exactly good at listening, you just go straight for the kill."

"So instead you were going to break up with me?" He sounds hurt and I frown.

"Theodore, what was I supposed to do? I felt cornered. It was natural instincts."

"Wow, if it's so natural for you to leave me why are we even together."

"You know that's not what I meant babe, don't make a big deal out of this. We're in this together-"

"Oh so now we're in this together? Weren't you just think of a plan with Lauren to break up with me?"

"What were you doing here anyway?" I cross my arms.

"You didn't see me come in with Lauren to get my watch because you were too busy talking about leaving me." He snaps and I bite my lip.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." I grab both his hands pulling him to me and he looks at me from under his lashes. "Please understand that this was just. . it was a first thought. He threatened to reveal even more pictures, pictures of me and you in the room, by the waterfall-"

"He's been following us?"

"Yes." I take in his expression. "But you can't do anything!"

"And why not?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Because. . he has. . he has my picture." My eyes downcast and everything is quiet.

"This is my fault." He murmurs after awhile.

"Shh. Not completely. We've moved past the first part. We just need a plan." I state grabbing his face as he frowns at me.

"I'm sorry baby, but no matter what we do,he'll probably have a hundred copies on his devices and he could keep multiplying them." Theodore states and my breath catches in my throat. "I'm sorry."

"So its gonna happen again?" I choke out and he pulls me tighter against him.

"I got you baby."

"Theodore I can't." I tears spring to my eyes. "I can't go through that again-"

"I'm not gonna let you be with him." He says sternly.

"I don't want to. ." I breathe in as the first set of tears fall. "Why is this happening to me? Why does everything happen to me?"

"Shh, baby, you're not alone this time. I got you."

"What're we going to do?" I sniff as he rubs my back

"We're going to confront him."
× × ×

Theodore was livid.

As soon as we parked into the parking lot he was out of the car, flying towards Ocean who stood having the time of his life. His eyes widen and in a split second all his goons were lined next to him. I was frozen in place, unsure of what to do, but thankfully the boys were by his side in an instant. I climb out, biting my lip slowly approaching them.

"Who do you think you are anyway?" Theodore snaps angrily and Ocean just smirks at him.

"The one who's gonna ruin your little girlfriends life."he grinned "I warned you Quensilla."

His eyes flash to mine and I can't help the tears that spring to my eyes, begging to be released.

"Ocean. . don't do this to me. I never did anything to you." I started sobbing pathetically, not really caring as the guys flashed their eyes to me confused and worried.

"You chose him over me!"

"I didn't even know. ." I choked on my tears. "I didn't even know you wanted me. Please, you have no idea what I went through. Don't. . don't put me through that again." He just laughed, and by then the whole school had already gathered.

"You're so cute when you b-" His goes shooting down, and so does Theodore as he beats Ocean's face over and over again. The guys were all involved and Lauren came running down the stairs engulfing me in a hug as I cried at the chaos.

"Lauren, we need to stop them."

I knew it was over.

It was going to happen all over again.

All over again.

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