I Drove All Night To Get To You

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Quensilla's POV

"So they put him in jail right?" Christopher asks and I nod.

"Not for long." Chase warns and I eye him. "You're dealing with a very, very wealthy boy Queen, I don't think he'll. ."

"I'm just as wealthy." Theodore snaps. "Maybe even more."

"Its okay babe. ."I murmur and he sighs, placing his hand around my waist as we all sat in the living room.

"I just can't believe he did that. More than once even." Roy scoffs.

"There was always something off about him, always smiling. Ugh. Pervert."

"Rapist." Christopher corrects and I can't help but chuckle.

"So how are you feeling?" Lauren queries and I shrug.

"He didn't do anything right? I mean I'm okay. ."

"If you need anyone to talk to. . any support at all. We're here." She smiles and I return it.

"I know. Thanks guys."

* * *

"Are you okay being alone?" Theodore asks as I force him to leave and I roll my eyes.


"You need anything?"


"Should i-"

"Get out of my apartment!" I yell jokingly and he chuckles, gripping my waist.

"Can I get a kiss first?" He murmurs and I tilt my head pretending to think.

"Um. . no." I smirk as he frowns.



"Why not?" He whines and I giggle.

"Cmere, you big baby." I grab his cheeks, and he grins before we make contact. Our kiss is slow. . almost never ending as we move in sync. Speaking about never ending. . he slips his hand below my butt and lifts me, our mouths never leaving.

When we do finally break apart, his grin was ten times larger, while I was too busy turning into a tomato.

"You're amazing." He winks placing me down and I smile soundly.

"I know."

"So modest." He rolls his eyes and I chuckle as I walk him to the door. He turns as he steps outside and I smile. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yes." I drawl exasperatedly and he sighs.

"I'm just making sure okay? We both know what happens yesterday. ." I pull him into a hug.

"I know and thank you, but I'm okay. He's in jail. ." We pull apart and he caresses my cheek.

"Call me if anything alright?" I nod and he pecks my lips one more time before hoping down the stairs and into his car.

I sigh, closing the door and walking back to my room.

4 years ago I left to find a better place, where I could leave everything behind me. I arrived and got paired with the boy who basically destroyed my life, and I hated it. I hated being near him, I hated breathing the same air as him. I just despised him. Now, I'm dating him.

It makes no sense but if feels good.

I like it, I like having him around me, constantly teasing and laying kisses. Compared to the last time he kept forcing them on me. . this time he asked, mostly all the time.

I never expected to be here, with him.

So how could I expect to be falling for him?

* * *

I miss him.

Ever since that night he spent with me, my body can't seem to get over it. So now I lay twisting and turning.

Shooting up, I scream in frustration and send my pillow at the dressing table. The rain hit hard against my window and I sigh, sitting near it. I just stare angrily at outside when I notice a figure. My eyes widen as it stands in the rain and wind staring at me. It's face was covered in black and so was its clothing attire.

I keep eyeing it, terrified to move as it tilts his head at me. I jump as my front door came alive with knocks.

I look back at my window and he wasn't there. I bite my lip, it can't be him at the door. . he was just there a while ago.

Still cautious, I walk slowly and the door gets a little more urgent. I peep through the hole and find.  Theodore?

Unlocking the door I pull it open.

"What're you doing?! Are you trying to get the cold." I step aside so he could get in. "And what time is it? Are you-"

I'm silenced by a sound kiss and I gently place my hands on his as he places them firm against me cheek.

We pull apart and I'm flustered as I avert my eyes, suddenly at a loss for words.

"I couldn't sleep without you. ." He murmurs, pulling me into him and I sigh.

Me too.

"Let's get you out of those wet clothes." I pull him into my room, eyeing the window one more time before pulling down the blinds.

"Wow, this is what you sleep in." He asks as I flip the switch and I roll my eyes. I had an only T-shirt on with some shorts. They were hidden, but they were there. I walk into the bathroom and he follows as he takes off his jacket. I bend to get a spare toothbrush, and as soon as I stand he's pressed against me. I stare at him  through the mirror as he trails a finger down my arm. He had removed his shirt also and I avert my eyes as he chuckles. He spins me around, to place me onto the sink.

My hands immediately go to his neck and he buries his face into my neck, laying kisses. I tilt so he could get more coverage and I feel him grin, his hands on my waist as he sucks on my neck and  I bite my lip from letting out an estranged noise.

He continues going in a straight line and I gasp as he hits a sensitive spot. I can't help but squirm a little as he decides to suck harder, finally a moan escapes me and he pulls back, his eyes dark. He tilts his head, leaning in, his lips slightly parted. I keep my eyes solely on them as we kiss. Our tongues were the first to met and he groans. I run my hand through his hair and he lifts me, carrying me out and laying us both on the bed. He decides that maybe I should be on top so I straddle him, his hands slide up my butt lifting my shirt slightly.

But me. . well, I was too busy leaving hickeys down his chest. I know I was going to regret this tomorrow, but in this moment, it just felt right.


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