Lay It On Him!

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Quensilla's POV

The whole days was filled with subtle waves from Theodore as we went from class to class.

He was really serious about, staying friendly and I liked it.

Even at lunch, I shared a laugh with him. So standing outside the  school I wait patiently for him to show up.

I smile as I catch him walking towards me and he returns it before the same girl he was talking to at the locker pops in front of him.

She pulls him into a hug and I avert my eyes while clearing my throat. . . at myself.

Soon someone nudges my shoulder and I find him.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks and I nod.

"Lead the way."

We walk to the pizza place together, staring at my apartment as we move past it. Taking the same seat we did yesterday, a waiter takes our orders.

"How was your day?" He asks leaning back into the chair and I shrug.

"It was okay, just the usual."

"I know. . . School is just so usual." He says awkwardly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Tell me about your family. All I've ever heard was rumors and of course, the things I've experienced but they weren't all. . good." He cringes and I sigh.

This was definitely not going well.

"Well .  . my dad owns his own company. A law firm to be exact. My mom, she works there, and they expect me to follow in their path." He says bitterly.

"But.  .  . you don't want to?" He shakes his head. "What would you like to be?"

"I like drawing." He shrugs and I gape.

"Like, an artist?"

"Yea. . I could draw you if you asked me to." He smirks and I raise both eyebrows this time.

"I'll have to see it to believe it." I mutter and he chuckles.

"Alright. I'll bring my work to you then." He smiles and I nod.

I really wanted to see it.

"So, why not choose your own career path?" I ask and he sighs.

"Its not all that easy with two parents breathing down your throat. Especially my dad." He grits and I think its time to change the subject.

"My parents were pretty strict too. . . y'know before they-"

"Disowned you?" He asks in a small voice and I nod. "I'm sorry. ."

I shake my head and the pizza arrives.

This is depressing. Too depressing.

"Hey, wanna try eating with your nose again?" He asks and I cringe.

"Um. No thank you." I state and he grins, picking off a piece of his pizza, and stuffing it in this nose.

"Oh fu-"

"Eww." I close my eyes as he snorts it out.

"This.  . burns so bad." He says and I pop my eyes back open to find him leaning his head on the lip of the table.

"I told you." I giggle, biting into my pizza and he groans.

"Alright. Alright. What about you? What do you want to be?" He asks.

"A social worker. I had to study  history, law, and literature so here I am!"

He chuckles nodding, "what inspired you?"

My smile dims as I play around with my pizza.

"My. . situation. ."He raises an eyebrow before we both go quiet.


Its silent and I'm kinda regretting coming here.

"We can't have a proper conversation if this is in our way." He says standing up and stretching his hand out. I look at him quizzically.

"Come with me." He states and I reluctantly grab his hand.

He pulls me out of the  restaurant, and into the direction of my apartment.

"Unlock it." He demands.

"Okay.  ." I drawl taking out my keys and pushing the door open.

He shuts it and stands in front of me.

"Lay it on me." He states and I am utterly confused. "Cmon, tell me how you feel, about what I did, tell me."

I bite my lip.

"Theodore, I can't. It doesn't-"

"What? Are you afraid of me now? Just tell me. What's on your mind."

"I dont-"

"I posted that picture. Your picture." He pokes and I glare.


"I made sure the whole school saw it and of course, your parents. I made sure, that there was a soul in that school, who didn't see it."

Finally. I snap, "I hate you! You ruined my entire life. I mean, I know I wasn't supposed to take it but gosh! It was for Grayson. I can't believe he betrayed me like that." I scream angrily. "But you, you just had to make it worse! You don't even know how much you hurt me." I started to pace the room gripping at my hair.

"My parents.  . my parents tried hard to support me and here I was half naked on Facebook. I mean it wasn't entirely your fault but what could you have possibly gotten from sharing that picture! My confidence went along with it too. Everyone despised me. Alright? That's what you did. And here you are trying to seduce me or whatever talking about I'm yours. Like what the actual fu-"

"Hey! I'm trying to be friends." He corrects looking offended and I roll my eyes.

"That's not the point! I should be ignoring your whole presence but here I am entertaining you. It hurts. It still does. I am a constant reminder of a disgrace and everyone knew it." I plop on my couch, using my hand to support my head.

"Are you done?" He asks and I huff. He sits next to me and we both sit in silence, before I sigh.

"I don't hate you as much as I want to." I murmur and he scoffs.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did. I'm a terrible person." He says. "I don't know why I did. . . what I did. I never meant to hurt you like that.  .  . I just took it as an opportunity to play with you. I didn't know what I was doing to you. ."

"There's no real excuse but can you believe me when I say that I'm sorry? Sorry doesn't fix anything, I know, but its the most I can offer right now." He tilts his head towards me and I study his eyes.

He was genuine.

I could tell by the way his dimples deepened and his pupils zoomed out. As if they were in another world.

I nod, "I. . . I accept your apology."

"But you don't forgive me." His faces sags and I frown.

"Theodore. . it isn't that easy." I bite my lip and he shuts his eyes.

"Alright. Like I said, we're taking things slow." He reopens them and I smile slightly.

"Despacito!" I yell happily, proud that I thought of that and he rolls his eyes, leaning into my couch.

"Way to lighten the mood."

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