Butter, Butter, Butterflies

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Quensilla's POV.

It took about fifteen minutes to get to our destination and I raised an eyebrow when all I saw was trees.

"Um, Theodore?"

"Shh. Its fine. Beauty lies within." He says and I give him a blank face. "Let's go little one! Adventure time!*

* * *

I did not, leave my cozy home, with a beautiful bed, air conditioning, food and fluffy pillows, to take a dam hike.

"Where. The. Heck. Are. We. Going." I pant and he chuckles. His back vibrating as he does so. His white T-shirt clung to him and his basketball shirts hung loosely on his waist.

I avert my eyes to my surrounding's and I was done.

"Y'know what, I think I'll just walk back to  the-"

"We're here!"

Sounds of rushing water fills my ears and I gape finding the most beautiful body of water I've ever seen.

A waterfall, at a good height, stood in front of us and I was wondering why I didn't hear it from afar. Behind the water fall lay a cave and Theodore gently placed me into the gave before throwing our stuff in and getting I'm himself.

"Wow. What is this place?" I murmur and he smiles.

"My secret haven." He says opening my bag to get a blanket. He goes further into the cave and I eye it warily. As soon as he lays the blanket, he taps something and the whole cave is illuminated with yellow glowing lights.

"Oh my. ." I murmur and he smiles, laying down. "Its so pretty. ."


"How did you even find here?"

"Sadness takes you to a lot of places. ." he says more to himself and I stay quiet, observing. "You hungry?"

"Not really."

"Great, cause I suck at cooking." I chuckle sitting next to him and he sighs.

"If you had a button that was labelled do-over, would you tap it?" He wonders.

"In an instant." I answer truthfully and he nods.

"Me too."

"What's your favourite cartoon?" I ask lightening the mood and he raises an eyebrow.

"Um. . maybe. . adventure time."

"Bleh, thats so common. Every one likes that hideous cartoon." He gasps dramatically placing his hand on his chest.

"I'll have you know, it takes a lot to watch all those episodes in one night."

"No one told you to did they?" I smirk and he rolls his eyes. "I like Clarence."

"Ugh. He's so dumb. And fat."

"You look just like him." I grin and he gives me a sarcastic smile.

"He's stupid."

"Kinda like Jake don't you think?" I tease.

"Jake is a talking dog! He cab shape shift and has like, the most brilliant mind."

"Right. . " I drawl and he grunts.

"You don't know cartoons woman."

"Says the guys who watches-"

"Be quiet!" I giggle and he groans. "Your so mean." He grumbles.

"I'm mean?" I snort and he hits me with a pebble. "I will throw you into that waterfall."

"You just want to see my abs." He grins and I scoff.

"I've seen them. I've also seen better."

"Ouch." He mutters and I wink.

"Sorry buddy, you're just not defined enough." In a flash his shirt is off and I find myself speechless as he tilts his head.

"You were saying?"

* * *

Why is my bed so hard?

That's what she said.

I groan, my eyes slowly opening abs I freeze once I see my surroundings.

Its just a dream.

But no matter how much I close and open my eyes all I saw was a cave.

I sigh, as the memories from last night hit me, I blush as Theodore's hand drapes over me, pulling me closer to him. I cough, poking his hand and he stirs a bit.

"Theodore. ." I murmur and he groans just like I did.

"Where the hell am- oh." He quickly removes his hand and I stand, dusting off.

"Sleep well?" He teases and I avert my eyes, grabbing the blanket and pulling. He plops onto the hard ground, glaring at me.

"Oops." In an instant he's up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Hey!" He starts walking towards the waterfall and I gasp.

"Theodore! You're gonna give me the cold. Noo!" Soon, both of us are drenched as the cold water falls harshly. He places me down grinning and I narrow my eyes playfully, before pushing him.

His white T-shirt now see through as he smirks at me.

I yelp as I almost slip on a rock, and he chuckles, the water causing his hair to stick onto his face.

We end up spending a lot more time there until we realized that we had an education to receive.

"Crap." He mutters, throwing me over his shoulder again, and quickly walking to the car.

"I can walk you know." I murmur, my hands lazily draping down his back and I feel his chest vibrate.

"Yes Silla, I know."

I liked it.

I liked having him as a friend.

I liked hanging out with him.

I liked this new experience.

What I don't like is the butterflies, that now decide to form in my stomach.

You know what that means.

Uh oh.

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