New Friends And Jealous Old Ones

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Quensilla's POV

I'm really tired and everything hurts, let's just say I woke up in the bathroom today.

We had three extra days just to settle in and I was going to use them full force just to sleep.

"Silla. I really need to pee." Standing from the floor I open the door only to meet a naked wall.

Walls aren't naked...

"Excuse me." I mutter blushing and he smirks before stepping aside.

I roll my eyes and plop on my bed as he enters and closes the door.

What am I doing today....

I look around the room to find that my clothes were missing.

What in the world.

I go on a full rampage, checking under the beds, in the washing machine, in his shoes, in my shoes. They aren't here anywhere. And my locket! Where is it?!

Banging on the bathroom door I was furious."Theodore! Where is my stuff?"

"I don't know." He tells me and I step away from the door, clenching my fist and gritting my teeth.

How am I going to survive.

Sighing I realized that there was some jeans and a tshirt in the corner.

What universe? No underwear.

I swallowed my pride and clipped onto Theodore's underwear drawer and yank it open hastily.

I grab the smallest pair I could find and put it under my bed for when I'm done bathing.

I'll have to reuse the bra.

He finally comes out, with his phone.


"We're going shopping today." He tells me and one of my eyebrows go sky high.

"Um excuse me." I begin. "I. Do. Not. Like. You. Get one of the willing college girls you had with you last night, I'm sure they will be glad to accompany you."

I roll my eyes before grabbing my clothes and hiding the underwear in between them. Before I make it to the bathroom he grabs my arm and pulls it back to him.

"Watch who you're talking to Quensilla." I yank my hand out of his grip and glare.

"Don't tell me what to do. I will talk to you however I want to." Turning on my heel, I get in and slam the door.

He thinks he can just have me like how he has the other co-


"I can't believe you kidnapped me!" I yell for like the fifth time while sitting in his very awesome car.

"Will you stop yelling! If you can't see, the glass is up!" He yells back.

"But you're yelling too!" I scream and he deadpans.

"I will tape your mouth."

"Where you gonna get tape buddy?"

"In the glove compartment. Duh." I zip my mouth and sit back.

Who knew that right after I was done bathing he would throw me over his shoulder for everyone to see and drag me to the mall.

"We're here!" He chirps and I roll my eyes stepping out and slamming the car door.

I walked five steps ahead of him, well I tried, but I was still at a distance and he kept glancing over at me and frowning.

"In here." He points to a fancy looking store and I furror my eyebrows at him.

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