Finally! I Ship It!

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So sorry for the errors in this one.
I'm on one percent and I'm rushing!!!

Quensillas POV

"I really like your smile." Theodore says as he plops next to me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Woah. What a nice greeting." I smile and he chuckles.

"May I?"

"You may." I grin and he pecks my lip.

A series of gasps makes themselves known across the cafeteria table.

"I knew it!" Roy jumped on the table and Theodore smirks.

"Knew what?" I ask.

"You two are in," he makes wild love gestures and I raise an eyebrow.

"We're not in love." I tell him..

"Well you're dating."

"No, we're not." I say coolly.

"But we could. ." Theodore says suddenly standing and I gape as he gets down on one knee.

"Theodore, what're you doing." I eye the cafeteria as it falls quiet.

"Ms Quensilla?" I cough awkwardly.

"Yes?" I croak.

"Will you go out with me?" He asks hopeful and I choke as a necklaces shines, aiming to blind me.

"Y'know you're not proposing right? Its just a date." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Shut up. I wanna give you a necklace alright. Now tell me yes."

"No." I smirk and he gapes as the whole cafeteria starts to whisper. "No, because yes is way to simple.  If you got a necklace for me I might as well give you something in return right. May I?" I mock his words and he grins.

"You may." He stands, and I do too, I grab his cheeks and pulls him onto my lips, the table and the room lit up with laughter and cheers.

Pulling away from him, he gives me a lopsided grin before I turn around, allowing him to clasp the necklace around my neck.

Rose petals began to fall and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Theodore seriously? Its only a date. You. Asked. Me. On. A. Date."

"I know that, but I have to make it spectacular because you deserve only the best. .after what I did." He murmurs the last part and I sigh, kissing his cheek softly.

"You're just too sweet."

"Oh my just get a room!" Z'hiem yells and Lauren simply averts her eyes, and offers me a smile. I frown at Z'hiem and Chase rolls his eyes, smacking him behind his head.

* * *

My door rang with a series of knocks as someone stood behind it. I smile, eyeing myself one more time before pulling it open.

"Why hello there." Theodore says leaning against the door.

"Hey. ."His eyes scan my body and I blush as they darken, before reaching my eyes.

"Damn, don't you look sexy." He murmurs. "Are you sure you're going out with me?"

I slap his arm, rolling my eyes and allowing him to step in.

I was dressed in a long T-shirt, and shorts. I paired them with some thigh high boots and threw my hair in a high pony tail.

He had a leather jacket, and destroyed black jeans with a black T-shirt.

He said we weren't doing the fancy thing and I was relieved. I wasn't the type of girl for steak and dumplings.

He kissed my cheek, before grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. I lock the door and gape at the bike sitting in front of me.

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