Why Did You Have To Come Back?

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Quensilla's POV

"Ocean. ." I breathe taking a step back when I turned to him and he grins.

"How's it going?"

"I dont know if you're stupid or something but youre not welcome around her." Lauren snaps and he moves his eyes to hers lazily.

"Run along before I do something that you won't like." His eyes turn dark and I gulp. He won't do anything in public

"Lauren its okay, I'll. . I'll meet you at lunch." Her eyes turn to me like I was stupid but I nod.

"Try anything and I will cut your balls off you nasty little rapist." She snaps and he grits his teeth. She looks at me once more before leaving.

"You look pretty okay. Up for round two?" He smirks and I cringe.

"Ocean, I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need help." I tell him turning around and he grabs my arm. Fear shoot up my spine and I gulp as he brings me towards him.

"Listen to me well." He slams an envelope onto my chest and tilts his head. "You're messing with the wrong person, so I suggest you play nice. Jail can't do me anything, so dont even think about getting a restraining order."

"Why. . why are you doing this?"

"Because beautiful. I always get what I want. And I want you."

"I already have a boyfriend." I snap and he smiles.

"Dont worry, we'll take care of him." I rip my hand away from him and his eyes drop to the envelope before returning to mine. "Day by day I will move slowly, but I will get what I want. Be careful Quensilla, we don't have a repeat of the past do we? And a little word of advice." He turns. "Maybe you should leave the blinds closed at night. . or. . y'know all the time."

* * *


The contents of this envelope is horrible.

Theodore and I last night.

Theodore and I this morning and my basically bare body is exactly in his view.

I'm so screwed.

"Hey." Theodore walks up to me and I shove the envelope in my bag. "What's that?" He leans to press a kiss against my lip as I sat on the school stairs.

"Oh, nothing just um, assigned homework." He believes me and I sigh. "How was your day?" I ask, rubbing my hands all over my face.

"It was okay, I barely saw you though. Where were you at lunch?"

Oh, I was occupied.

Crying in the bathroom stalls, nothing too bad.

"I was at the library catching up."

He eyes me, "are you okay?"

"I'm alright." I nod and he raises an eyebrow. "I'm good babe." I roll my eyes and he raises both palms.

"So I was thinking. . " He murmurs playing with my fingers. "Let's go to the waterfall Y'know, just to chill." He wiggles his eyebrows and I flick his nose.

"Sure. . don't you have homework?" I raise an eyebrow and he scoffs.

"I was so bored afternoon looking for you at lunch, I did it in the cafeteria."

"Okay well, I don't have any so I'll just go home to change." I stand, and he does the same.

"I'll meet you there. ." He says and I nod, turning away until he grabs my hand, pulling me back to him, and right onto his lips.





I could die of embarrassment.

"I can't believe you were just about to leave me high and dry like that." He says pulling apart and I blush.

"We're going to see each other-" Smack, he tries his luck giving me another one and I can't help but melt into him.

As we move apart I notice a few freshmen watching us and I cough, turning away.

"I can kiss you all day, every day." He nods, agreeing with himself and I sigh. I know that this was unavoidable.

From the corner of my eye I find Ocean looking at me and he smirks waving, I immediately tense, looking away and Theodore notices, moving his eyes to the direction I was looking.

"What the fu-"

"Babe." I warn.

"He's out? Already?"

"Lauren didn't tell you?"I ask and he shakes his head. He was getting tense.

"Let's go home with me." I suggest and he raises an eyebrow.

"I don't have any clothes."

"You can wear mine." I repeat his words and he smirk.

"I know you're trying to distract me. And its not working." He starts walking in the direction of Ocean and my eyes widen.

"Theodore wait."

"And yes, I'll go home with you after a quick stop to-" He punches ocean and I gape. "My dorm."

"You come near my girlfriend again and I will kill you." He says referring to the last time and I bite my lip, this is not good.

"Oh. ." He coughs, getting up and I gulp. "I hear you loud and clear sir." His friends snigger as if they know something and Theodore reels his hand back, landing it squarely on his nose. As if he didn't have enough bandages on his face.

"Okay okay, he gets it. Let's go babe." I tug at Theodore's arm and he scowls at Ocean before leaving. Is it funny that not one of Ocean's friends move to save him.


* * *

"And he has the nerve to smile at you!" Theodore exclaims as we enter my apartment.

"Babe, take it eas-"

"I should've just beaten him to death that day."

"Hey!" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Calm down. If you had beaten him to death you probably wouldn't be here right now."

"Of course I'd be here. He tried to rape you." He grits his teeth, squeezing at the water bottle and I sigh.

"But I'm here now. . because of you. So can you please just relax. I'm okay." His ryes snap to mine, before reluctantly relaxing.

"Fine." He grumbles. "But if he looks at you again, I will ram my fist, so far up his-"


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