Oh Fu-

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Quensilla's POV

"Its been a while since we talked." Lauren sighs, looking guilty and I smirk, plopping next to her.

"Spill. What's it with you and Z'hiem."

"Who's Z'hiem?" She mutters bitterly while stabbing the icecream. "Y'know I liked him. I really dead, and then he just ups and friend zones me! Like what the hell? And worse!" She shoots up angrily, and I reach frantically to stop the ice cream from falling onto the rug. "He brings so. . some girl in the cafeteria in front of me! Gosh I would just-"

"Lauren. ." I murmur and she sighs, looking down at me, tears apparent in her eyes and I am slightly taken by surprise. "Lauren?"

"I slept with him Queen." I gape.

"What? You met him like. . . just a  few weeks ago."

"I know. I know, I. . he was saying these nice things and I-" She plops down on the couch again. "I'm pathetic."

"Oh sweetie. It happens to the best of us." She sniffs.

"Why would he do that?"  She whisper in a small voice and I bring her close to me, hugging her.

"I don't know why they do Babe. ."

* * *

I was pissed.

Lauren took a day off from school and I took that as a great opportunity to go after the douchebag.

The five of them standing near my locker talking about something and I ignore Theodore's smile, grabbing Z'hiem's collar and pushing him against the lockers.

"Woah there-"

"Who do you think you are?" I grit out and he raises an eyebrow. "With you stupid face, and stupid smile and stupid attitude. Do you think you can just treat Lauren like some kind of toy? Let me tell you something, you mess with her, you mess with me. And you don't want to mess with me. So I suggest you get your sorry little ass to her dorm to apologize or I will stuff your books so far up, you won't be able to breathe without quoting words from Shakespeare. Got it?" He looks utterly terrified as he looks at Theodore who raises both hands and looks away amused. "Got. It?" I push him further into the locker and he nods.

"I got it. I got it!" I purse my lips before dropping him and turning. I stand on my toes and press a firm kiss on Theodore's lips before brushing invisible lint off my pants and walking off.

"She's never been more hot." Chase mutters. "Ouch!"

* * *

I sat under the tree, reading up on laws when a shadow suddenly blocks my light.

I look up and find Ocean. Oh boy.

"Hey. ." I murmur and he frowns.

"I thought you said you weren't dating Theodore?"

"Oh. . he only asked recently. . weren't you in the cafeteria?"

"Seems like I was the only one who wasn't there." He murmurs bitterly. "What you up to?" He asks sitting near me and I avert my eyes.

"Just uh, studying." He leans dangerously close, pretending to look at me book and I move away slightly. He turns to me and smile and I awkwardly return it.

Why couldn't I just study at home?

He touches my hair and I flinch away.

"Um, I have to get home. ." I mutter packing up and he grabs my hand.

"So soon?" He whispers his grin growing. I was in a very quiet and secluded area. I came here often so he must've followed me.

"Yes. . Theodore, is waiting on me." I lie and he scoffs, picking up my bag and throwing it far away. My phone slips out and I bite my lip.

He knew it was in there, I was about to stand but instead he pushes himself onto me and I freeze.

"What're you doing?"

"Shh. .You'll like it. ."My breathing quickens and I gulp.


This isn't happening to me.

I try to kick him in his area, but he was pressed too tight onto me. I wiggle from beneath him as he lays kisses down my neck.

"Get off of me!" I yell and he chuckles darkly, never letting up. "Help!" I scream and he leans off to slap me. I use that moment, ignoring the sting to kick him and he doubles over.


I stand to run, and I was almost to my bag when he tackled me.

"Stop!" I scream and he removes something from his back pocket, I gasp, kicking at him as he ties my foot.

"Ocean! What're you doing?!"

"Shut up!" He yells and the tears prick my eyes. I squirm, hitting his chest as he sat on me but he was too strong, he held down both of my hands.

No one knew I was here.

I'm officially dead.

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