In the Cell With the Rats Of Course.

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Quensilla's POV

He ripped at my shirt and I cried, screaming.

"Oh for Lords sake be quiet!" He yells rolling his eyes and I clamp mine shut as he uses another piece of rope to tie my hands.

"No!" I scream trying to move and he punches me. I see slight stars and I gasp as his hands slowly make contact with my neck, squeezing.

I couldn't claw at his hands.

Or fight back.

I could only lay there and let him kill me.

And I was terrified.

"Don't you girls like this kind of things? What? You don't wanna call me daddy? That's okay." I just continue to lose control as his hands tighten around my neck. "I don't know why but I just love these kind of things. . .the thrill."

"You were really-"

Air rushes into my lungs and I gasp even more, happy to find oxygen.

"Oh my gosh! Quensilla!" Lauren rushes towards me, taking off her cardigan and slipping it onto me.

I've brought Lauren here, sure. She was best friend, and boy am I happy that I did.

I look around and there he was, but that wasn't what scared me. Theodore sat on top of him, laying punch after punch, his face was red and I broke into a heap of sobs as Lauren pulls me closer to her.

"Theodore!" I croak out but he doesn't stop, Ocean was already unconscious and a half, and Theodore looked like he had just started.

"Theodore!" I scream and this time he seizes, throwing one last punch before looking up at me, breathless.

* * *

Lauren left a little while I took care of Theodore's knuckles. We called the police on the scene and it turns out, I'm not the only one.

Ocean never seemed like that kinda guy, but well, we can never pick them out from the crowd can we?

He's now in a cell. . .where he belongs. .

Its almost the most normal ones.

I stood, rubbing away the blood and Theodore would flinch now and then. His hands were pretty bashed.


"You haven't looked at me since we left. ." He says and I ignore him. I'm not doing it purposefully, I'm just ashamed.

Humiliated even that he got to see me like that.

"Quensilla." He warns, removing his hand to lift my chin and I gulp, staring at him. "Talk to me. ."

I remove my chin from his grip and turn to discard the cotton.

"You saw what happened. . there's nothing really to say." He sighs, gripping my waist and pulling me into him. I flinch slightly, but relax almost instantly.

"Babe. . y'know I'd never hurt you." He murmurs and I can't help as the tears fall. I lean further into his chest and he just holds me.

"I was so scared." I sob and he blows out a breath, stroking my hair gently. "I didn't even. . I couldn't. "

"Shh. ." he whispers realizing that fight now I couldn't speak, calming down after a moment, I sigh.

"Sleep with me. ." Ignoring how wrong that sounds he nods.


* * *

I awoke the next morning and found that Theodore was not where I left him.  I frown, deciding to ignore the painful head throb and the irritating dry throat and sore eyes.

The door swings open and I face plant my pillow.

"You have school." I murmur.

"Yea well, If you can't go to school neither can I." He says stubbornly and despite all my pain, I chuckle.

I slowly sit up and he eyes me.

"You look sexily terrible. ." He tries and I roll my eyes.

"Gee thanks." He winks and lays down, I decide to go make myself look presentable but he stops me.

"This doesn't change anything y'know. . I'm here for you and we're still dating." He declares and I giggle

"I expected nothing less."

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