Why Is Everyone So Mean Today?

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Quensilla's POV

I surprisingly felt lighter today as we all sat together at lunch, Theodore sat next to me and I didn't tense. I didn't shoot him a doubtful look instead I offered him a smile before shifting my tray a little.

"You guys look.  .  happy." Chase commented and I push a lock of my hair behind my ears.

Lauren gasps.

"Did you guys do the nasty?"

"I have no idea why her head is always in the gutter. She seemed so innocent at first." Roy shakes his head and I giggle.

"No Lauren, we did no have sex. In fact we didn't do anything. . just talked." Theodore smirks from besides me.

"Hey. Where's Z'hiem?"

"He told me that he would be here soon. He just had to get something." Roy shrugs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Hey . ." Theodore whispers greeting me.

"Hi. ."

"What're we doing today?" He asks and I tap my finger on my lips pretending to think.

"Not confessing. That's for sure." He snorts leaning back in his chair.

"I wanna take you somewhere after school."

"Can't. I have to do some studying."

"We can go during the night. . " He drawls.

"Okay." I agree after a while and he grins.

Everyone was looking at us quizzically and I was about to ask what was wrong when Roy's face mirrored pure horror. Christopher's face had that "oh crap" look, and Chase. Well Chase's face was blank, except his posture has changed. Almost like he was waiting for something.

Lauren was completely oblivious to the change in the atmosphere, ranting about how much algebra made no sense and how it was of no importance in the future.

I turn my head slightly to find Z'hiem walking in with a pretty looking Blonde. The same one Chase was eyeing yesterday.

What is happening?

For the first time I was extremely happy that Lauren didn't notice, maybe then I'll have time to console her afterwards.

Her head snaps up, wondering why we weren't talking. Her eyes move to behind us and I watch with sadness as they go dim. She averts her eyes as she gets up quickly.

She doesn't wait for them to reach the table, just leaves without a second glance.

If I know Lauren, I know for a fact that you can't run behind her. She'll only chase you off. She hates pity. So my best bet now is to just glower at Z'hiem as he sits down.

Chase stands also, getting up and walking off. The blonde keeps her head down and I frown.

Was she not comfortable?

I mean, no one was with this tense atmosphere, but she didn't really know us.

"Hey." I smile at her, ignoring Z'hiem's greetings and she looks up at me in disgust.

"Hi." She mutters as if she was being forced to say it.

"You okay?" I ask and she scoffs, looking around as if she couldn't believe I was talking to her.

"Hey. . don't do that. Dont act like you're any better than people because we all have little skeletons that we want no one to see. If in case they come out, ensure you have people to support you, dont drive people away with your attitude." I nod at my words and she looks stunned.

Theodore just gapes and me, as well as the other guys.

"Z'hiem, what do you thing you're doing man?" Chris asks him and he raises an eyebrow.

"Chase said he was over her." He speaks as if she wasn't even there.

"And Lauren?"

"What about Lauren?" He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head.

This is worst than me and Theodore's conversation.

* * *
Lauren never answered my calls. Neither did she my texts. I went to her dorm only to find that she wasn't there.

She needed space.

At, eight thirty, I was almost ready for bed when my door bell rang.

Maybe it was her.

I rush towards the door to find. . Theodore.

"What're you doing.  .  . oh."

"Why aren't you dressed?" He raises both eyebrows and I cough.

"I am dressed." I lie and he purses his lips. Eyeing my ratty T-shirt and loose shorts. My hair was up in a . . .up. .

I looked like crap..

Pretty crap though.

"You forgot didn't you."

"I'm sorry. Its just that Lauren and, and she's not answering. . and-"

"Its okay Silla, we can do this another time." I bite my lip.

"I can go like this. ."

Or you could just. . oh I don't know, change?

Naw, I'm too lazy for that.

"You want to? Why not just get dressed."

"Because boy, I don't want to. Now take it or leave it." He chuckles.

"Okay but grab a blanket. It's gonna get really cold."

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