Is This The End?

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Quensilla's POV

"What do we do now?"

It sounds as if that question was the only question that was swimming around in the atmosphere.

Everyone sat in the living room, just solemn and I bite my lip, a flood of emotions overwhelming me.

"Maybe he with do it." Lauren tells me and I sigh. "He's human, he's bound to have a heart."

"He tried to rape her." Chase deadpans and I run my hand through my hair.

Theodore just sat quietly. .

"You guys just made it worse, what was the point of fighting?" Lauren snaps and all of them cast their heads down, then she sighs. "Babe. .  whatever happens. We all have your back. We can't get through this."

×  ×  ×

The time came when it was just Theodore and I laying in the room, filled with words of our own.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles pulling away from me.

"Its okay-"

"No. If it wasn't for what I did four years ago we wouldn't be here, in the situation. He'd have nothing but a couple pictures of me and you and couples do that all the time."

"We'll get-"

"It seems as though I'm the one who keeps dragging you through the mud. I keep hurting you and it isn't right. "

"You know damn well that its Oceans fault." I stand and he shake his head.

"But I have a part to play in it."

"We were over this."

"I'm not over it!" He exclaims his face raw with emotions. "Everyday I would wonder when you're gonna wake up and just snap back to reality, hating me. I hurt you and you didn't do anything to me. I don't deserve you." He takes a step back from me.

"Theodore. What's done is done. . but we can be here for each other." He shakes his head staring into my eyes.

"I can't. . I can't continue to hurt you."

"You're not hurting me." I  plead, knowing where this was leading. "Ocean's hurting me."

"And I can't even help. What kind of boyfriend is that? I caused this."

"No! You can help, you can be there for me." I state trying to reach out for him but he pulls away averting his eyes.

"Quensilla, one day you'll understand. But I can't stay here, knowing that you're going to through this again, and I'm the one who created it."

"Stop it."

"Four years ago I posted your picture, because I liked you and I. . I don't even know. Now it's coming back to haunt me and you along with it."


"I'm not going to stay here and continue to hurt you." Tears were already leaking as I grabbed his hand.

"Theodore. .I. . I need you. You cant. .  you can just-"

"I'm sorry. Its. . its over." He pulls me into a hug and I push him away.

"Go. Just go." I mumble, and he touches my cheek, his lips close to my ears.

"I love you."

"No!" I shove him away angered. "You can't just say you want to leave then tell me you love me. You know what? Fuck you. Get out."

"Quensilla. ." I turn my back to him clutching my heart as he the door slowly closes. Letting me sink into my own little box of sadness.

× × ×

"He did that to you?" Lauren gapes and I nod, pulling my pants up, getting ready for school. "I'm so sorry Queen."

"Life goes on." I mutter bitterly, applying bits of lip gloss.

"Want me to beat him up?"

"No, no. I just want to get done with college." I sigh as we pick up our bags and leave.

Approaching the school, all the guys were standing outside and I furrow my eyebrows as I get out.

"Lets skip school today!" Chase says anxiously and Roy nods.

"What why?" Lauren asks as I purposefully ignore Theodore's stare.

"Who needs an education babe?" Z'hiem says slinging a hand around her but it seems forced.


"No, I have a lot of work to catch up on, we have Friday or Saturday." I shake my head walking ahead of them and Theodore grabs my hand.

"Dont touch me." I snap pulling quickly away from him and his eyes look panicked as I turned to walk again.

"Quensilla!" Lauren screams as I enter the hall but its too late.

Picture upon picture, stuck up on the wall.

All eyeballs turn to me and I couldn't do anything as I heard the whispers. So I gulped, taking one step back. . and then another.

"We tried to warn you. ." Theodore murmurs but I was to busy trying not to cry.

"Its happening again." I whisper to myself. The stares, the harsh whispers, the scowls.

Running a hand through my hair I turn on my heel and sprint out, knowing that I couldn't stay here.

So I'll run,

Its what I'm good at

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