Chapter 24: Protective Instincts

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Nathaniel dropped Marinette off at her front door and smiled. "Your place looks different every time I pass by." he said.

Marinette grinned and gestured to the display windows. "It's probably because of all the different things we bake here. The windows change all the time." She turned to unlock the front door, but before she could turn the key completely an explosion sounded down the street.

Her keys fell to the pavement and Nathaniel's arm wrapped protectively around her. "Marinette," he said, "We need to go."

She felt the pressure of Tikki against her thigh and her mind raced. She had to fight the akuma, but she couldn't just leave Nathaniel. He pulled her with him down the street and passed all the parked cars towards the school. But Marinette wasn't concerned as to where they were headed.

Marinette looked behind her and suppressed a gasp.

A boy emerged from the corner, holding a bubbling flask in each hand. "Behold the marvel of science!" he bellowed. He poured the contents from one flask into another and the liquid glowed brightly, shooting high into the air.

Large, dark clouds emerged from the sky, spreading until it loomed over every inch of Paris. The wind tore through the city and Nathaniel latched onto the nearest street lamp to keep them grounded. "Marinette?" he called, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine! Keep moving!" she replied. A sickening laughter echoed behind them and lightning flashed across the sky.

The people of Paris scrambled into their homes and a burst of light struck the pavement right beside them. Marinette lost her grip on Nathaniel and in an instant she was air-born.

"Marinette!" he cried, clinging tighter to the lamp post.

Marinette screamed as her body lurched higher and the strap of her bag whipped against her back. It slipped off his shoulders and Marinette's eyes widened as the wind carried it away from her.

A vehicle lifted off the ground, the metal groaning and when she turned her head she found the car flying straight for her. She shielded her face with her arms and braced for impact. But it never came. Two strong arms wrapped around her from behind and lifted her higher.

Her back slammed against the roof of the car and then the hands were back, pressing her tightly against someone else's chest. She breathed in the familiar scent of leather, mint and...Camembert. Chat Noir. Marinette clung to him; afraid he'd lose his grip on her and subject her to the mercy of the violent storm.

His rough voice soothed her. "I've got you, Princess." Tingles ran down her spine and Chat reached for his baton behind him. He extended it and when it slammed against the pavement beneath them, used it to vault them forward and away from the weather.

The further they moved, the more the wind died down. Chat Noir gently set her down on the familiar hotel pool seat and knelt down to her level. Her hands shook and her mind was rattled, but Chat Noir was steady.

He gently cupped her face with both his hands. "Mari, look at me." She obeyed and he frowned at her. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

She couldn't answer. She didn't care. All she cared about was Tikki. She had to find her kwami. Paris needed Ladybug. Paris needed –

His warm lips ghosted against her forehead and Marinette desperately clung to him. If it weren't for Chat Noir she could've easily died. He'd saved her life, more than once, and she hated how dependent and weak she felt around him.

Her eyes welled with tears as the adrenaline surged through her body. "Chat?" she rasped.

"I'm here." he whispered, "I'm always here, Mari." His brushed back her fringe and sighed, "Stay here until I get back, okay? Don't move." She didn't have time to respond. Chat's warmth disappeared from her grasp and he took one last look at her as he neared the edge of the building.

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