Chapter 8: The Right Words

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"Tikki, I can't believe I forgot my history project was due next week." Marinette groaned as she frantically searched through the library shelves.

"Well at least you remembered now." replied Tikki, "You still have a week to do it."

The rest of the library was empty aside from the librarian near the doorway and three more students on the other side of the room. Tikki flew to a higher shelf above Marinette, holding her tiny feet with her hands, and helped Marinette search.

"But with all my other duties I barely have any free time anymore. I don't even know if a week will be enough." Marinette pressed her hands to her head and her eyes widened. "This is a disaster. How can a library not have any books on Ancient Egypt?"

Tikki rolled her eyes and flew down to Marinette. "Maybe if you didn't use up all your free time with Chat Noir you wouldn't be so behind on your homework."

Marinette Tikki was right and the guilt had kept her up all night thinking about Adrien.

The kwami flew back into Marinette's purse and she froze. She shut her mouth and kept her eyes forward, painfully aware of someone else's presence behind her. A hand fell on her shoulder and Marinette flinched.

"Do you need any help?" asked Adrien. Marinette flew to her feet and smiled nervously.

"Hell –Hello, hi –Ad –Adrien." she mumbled. She turned around and gave him a shy wave.

He offered one in return. "So what were you looking for?"

Marinette's cheeks warmed as he stared at her and she wished the floor would just swallow her whole. "Um, Egypt, I'm projecting on Egypt –I mean! I'm doing a project on Egypt." Her face burned painfully and Adrien chuckled at her.

"I think I saw some books on that on the other side of the library. I'll help you look." Adrien moved behind the shelf and Marinette swooned, dragging her feet behind her. He glanced at her over his shoulder, "Isn't this due next week?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I still have –haven't started."

Adrien winced and spun around, "What? It's twenty pages long."

Marinette lowered her head and chuckled nervously, "I know it's la –late. I've just been busy."

"With what?" he asked. He turned his body towards her and leaned against the shelf beside them. Marinette struggled to breath and their proximity. He was so close to her.

"Well...I –I –I –I –," Marinette slapped her hand over her face and groaned. Why did it have to happen now?

Adrien frowned, "Something wrong?"

Marinette shook her head. Maybe if she thought of Chat Noir she wouldn't stutter as much; his arrogant demeanor, annoying puns and proud smirk. It could work.

"I found a cat." Adrien's eyes widened and Marinette gave him a sheepish smile. "He comes around p –pretty often and I just don't h –have the heart to t –turn him away." She wasn't technically lying. After all Adrien would think she's great with animals and Chat's secret would still be safe. Wasn't that a good thing?

"A cat?" he echoed, as if testing the words on his lips for the first time. "What kind?"

Marinette scratched the back of her neck nervously and thought of the shortest way to reply. Less words meant less stuttering.

"A stray." she mumbled. But the words didn't have the effect she wanted. Instead of being interested, Adrien looked troubled.

"Oh," he muttered, "He must take up a lot of your time then."

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