14. Just Forgetful

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*one weak later*

So Blake and I are a little better. He was still going out, but less. I guess this was good...it was a start at least. Blake and I have been together for 6 months and my parents are coming to LA tonight and want to meet him. I guess it is reasonable, but I have to tell Blake so he won't forget about it. My parents plane get in tonight at 6 and right now it's only 2 so I have to get ready for family dinner tonight at some restaurant my mom loves. Blake had practice so he wouldn't be able to come...of course he did, but whatever. So I had to plan the dinner around his schedule. Which was frustrating but, that's the only way it will work out.

*in text*

A:hey baby so my parents are coming in town and want them to meet you...umm will tomorrow work?

Blakeyboo💘💋: yea babe I can do that tomorrow at 8?

A: yea that's fine. At my condo! Are you sure you can me it Blake?

Blakeyboo💘💋: yes baby. I won't miss it.

I through my phone on the bed and headed to the bathroom. As I was walking to my shower I saw the razor in the trash can. I quickly closed my eyes and said quietly, "don't be that girl again. Stay strong! Ok? Ok! " I opened my eyes and got in the shower. When I got out I put on my jeans brown rider boots a black tank top with a white and black sweater. I got into my car and picked up my parents. I missed them so much!

*at dinner*

Daniel(dad): hows Blake sweetheart!

A: "he's good. We're doing ok if that's what your asking me Mr.Nosey!" I said while laughing!

D: "I'm just making sure my little girl is being treated right." He said while picking up his broccoli with his fork.

A: "yes dad I am! You know we have have our rough times, but he's not crazy or anything." My dad looks at me with a serious face.

Dad: "ok and hows your depression?" I looked down at my wrists.

A: "I'm better." I said slowly.

Dad: "if you ever need to just come home you do that I don't want you cutting yourself again or taking pills. Your mom and I are always here for you!" He smiles and grabs my hand. A tear streamed down my face and I wiped it with my free hand. Maybe that's what I needed to hear! That someone was there for me.

*the next night*

I have on leggings with brown rider boots and a long button up polo. My mom and dad are on there way, but I haven't heard from Blake since yesterday which made me nervous because lately he's been busy and forgetful. I called him and he didn't answer. My parents arrive and we being to eat dinner.

Mom: "where is Blake sweetie?"

A: "I haven't talked to him all day, but he said he wouldn't forget so maybe he's just running late I'll text him.

Blake's P.O.V

B: "ball! Ball!" Blake gets a lob from CP3 and dunks! "AHHHH okay!" He points at CP3 and gets back on defense. As the practice ended he went and showered and as he was walking to the car he checked his phone. 2 missed calls and 1 text from Aubrey and 1 missed called from Jessica. I looked at the time and it was 8:45. "Crap" I whispered as I started speed walking to my car. I got in and took off. I tried calling Aubrey but she didn't answer. When I got to her condo and knocked on the door it was 9:15. She opened it.

A: "can I help you?"

B: "babe I'm sorry. We had a late practice. I'm sorry." She stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her.

Aubrey's P.O.V

A: "Blake you keep doing this. I can't deal with the late practices and forgetful side of you." Tears were forming in my eyes he grabbed my hand but I snatched away. "No don't touch me. My parents came to meet you and you totally forget. If this is about what happen with your parents then I'm sorry that I was with my sister who was in labor."

B: "babe it's not even like that. I didn't mean to do this. Why can't you just understand that my job consist of time and me being there and giving my all. Basketball means everything to me. Nothing else matters." I opened my mouth wide.

A: "really Blake I don't matter to you? I must have never mattered to you. Well I'm sorry that I have been wasting your time." I turn to go back inside, but he grabs my arm again. I was now crying. "Blake I just think we should take a break ok?" As I said that the door opened and my fathers face appeared.

Dad: "oh you must be blake. Your tall."

B: "thanks? hello how are you sir?"

Dad: "good and you?"

B: "I'm ok. I'm just out here fighting for my girl." I gave blake a look like "why the F*** would you say that."

A: "everything's fine dad. Blake's leaving."

Dad: "no Blake come in this whole thing WAS to get to know you over dinner but it's ok we can just sit down and talk. Sound good?" Blake agreed and walked in behind me. I was so pissed off. Blake and my dad sit at the table with my mom and I.

Mom: "hello Blake I'm Monica this is my husband Daniel."

B:"I'm Blake. nice to meet you guys. I'm sorry that I missed dinner I had a long practice since playoffs are in two weeks."

Dad: "I just hope this isn't happening all the time." My mom slapped my dad on the arm. "Sorry it's just I hate seeing my baby girl hurt and from her history of boys she doesn't need someone who isn't going to be there for her in her life. Now blake I'm not trying to be rude but this is my baby girl and I don't want her hurting, cutting, or taking pills. You understand?"

B: "yes sir. To be honest with you lately I have put her through a lot of pain because I haven't been here for her lately, but my job has been requiring me a lot of time, but as soon as the playoffs are over I plan on being with her as much as I can." My dad and blake continue talking. I feel Blake's hand on my thigh. I brush it off and he looks at me with pain and sorry in his eyes. I felt bad. I was starting to act like him when it came to jobs. I put my hand on his thigh and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

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