8.Stick It Out

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*the next day*

I woke up and saw 2 miss class and 1 missed text from Blake and 2 missed text from a group message I had with Stephanie and Danielle for modeling. Stephanie was wondering about Paris and had offered Danielle to also come. She agreed, but I had yet to reply. I still haven't told Blake and with what's going on right now I don't think he will wan't me to go, but I need to so oh well. Blake texted me to meet him at Urth Cafe at 1. It was 11 so I got up and showered. I wore my hair down and in curls. I wore a grey half shirt with floral high wasted shorts and black doc martins.

*at Urth cafe*

I pull up and see paparazzi everywhere. "I guess Blake has already arrived." I thought to myself. I put my black Ray Bans on and got out of my car. As I walked flashes went off.

P: "we saw Blake are you guys fighting Blake looked upset?"

P: " do you love Blake?"

P: "how is he in bed? "

P: "will you guys be getting married soon?"

I thought to myself, "We've only been dating for 6 months chill and if you only knew." When I walked in I saw Blake waiting for me. He got up and walked over to me.

B: "hey." I gave him a side hug and we sat down outside in a private section. He ordered and then I ordered a salad and green tea. As a model there were just certain things we were aloud to eat before shooting. So now we had nothing to distract us so it looked like we had to talk to each other now.

A: "ok let's just get this little talk over with so I can make out with you."

B: " that's all I want. I want you and I want you to be happy, but I just feel like every time I want to hang out or I have a chance to be with you, but you don't want to hang out because your tired, but what you don't understand is that I'm tired too and I just want to cuddle up in my bed and watch movies. I don't want you to feel like I'm taking you away from your job because you never ask me to sacrifice mine. I love you Aubrey and I'll do anything to make sure were together." He looked very serious.

A: "I understand Blake it's just that I felt like you were being selfish and I understand trust me I want to cuddle up with you and lay in bed when I have the chance too it's just that when I'm worn out from modeling I just want to chill and not talk because I've been letting people give me orders all day and maybe I am being selfish, but I don't want to be like this I just wanna be with you. I love you and I mean it! " I got up and sat on his lap. "Blake I have to tell you something. I have been offered to go to Paris for a week to shoot a commercial for VS to be presented after the actual fashion show. He looked at me with disappointment.

B: "When?"

A: "We leave on Friday and won't be back until the next Thursday.Blake I'm
Sorry." He looked up. He had shades on too so I couldn't see his eyes.

B: " well go and make me want you even more by working that sexy body." I smiled and we kissed. Blake wanted me to stay the night at his house so I did. He had a home game tomorrow night at 7 so I said that I would go. I only had a meeting with Stephanie and Danielle for the trip since I confirmed that I was going.

*next day*

I was at the meeting with Danielle and Stephanie. Danielle and I were going to the game together tonight and were excited because we were going to go kick it at the newest club afterwards. The meeting was just about the meeting we were having on Wednesday and then what days we would be doing certain things. We left and went out for lunch and talked about how to deal with dating during the season.

D: "to be honest there is just no way to get by. You just have to stick it out and just do little things for each other and go the extra mile sometimes. Honestly me and DJ's relationship was rocky, but I had to just make sacrifices for him. Like sometimes I would get an offer and say no! The boys can't really say no so it is up to us and that's why people say it's hard dating someone who is "married to the game" because you feel like the side chick." I laughed and sipped my water. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was just being selfish and needed to just realize that Blake really can't do anything about his job, but I could.

*after the game*

Blake and DJ were doing interviews while Danielle and I waited for them in the garage. Danielle was sitting in my car when I looked up and say Blake and DJ walking over. I unlocked the doors and we got out.

A: "hi baby. You did so well." He kissed me and grabbed my butt.

B: "thanks babe. Can we just go to the club already." I looked at him confused, but agreed. I didn't know why he was rushing me though. Maybe he thought he did bad? I don't know. DJ got into Danielle's white range rover with tented windows and Blake got into my range rover and we drove off. When we entered the club we were escorted straight to the VIP.

Danielle and DJ went to dance. Blake then told me he was going to the bar and left me. Like he literally left me sitting in the VIP section by myself. I could see him sometimes through the people and he was talking to some blonde girl. I noticed that it was Jessica and she was whispering in his ear and he had his hand on her waist. I was pissed. I got up grabbed my person and left. I didn't even go to Blake's to get my stuff I just went straight home. I called my sister and asked her to come to LA and She agreed. She always helped me through these things because I didn't think I could take cheating it just wasn't my thing.

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