16.Really a Shovel?

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*one week later*

We were back in L.A. We all did so well on our commercial. Jennifer tried to nag at me about Blake everyday. I was walking out of the terminal when I saw an all black Porsche. The door open and Blake walked around the back of the car.

A: "BABY!!!!" I said dropping my bags and running to him.

B: "hey baby! I missed you!"

A: "I missed you too!" He leaned over and kissed me very passionately. As we did that I had the urge to "get it in" with him. We haven't done it in almost a month. Especially with his crazy schedule and his first playoff game for the season on Monday. Which was in 3 days so Doc was going to have them in the gym all day long. Which for me meant no Blake until after the playoffs. So looks like this next hour maybe our only time.

*the next morning*

I woke up feeling for Blake's body behind me. I slapped a piece of paper down as I moved my hand around on his side of the bed.

*in the note*

Blake: "hey baby. I'm sorry that I have to go to practice today. I had lots of fun with you last night 😉. I love you so much. Please understand that I had practice today and I would give anything to be in bed with you right now. I love you baby and I should be home around 4."

A: "he's so cute!" I got up and realized I was naked. So I grabbed one of Blake's shirts and found my undies. I went down to his kitchen to get breakfast. I fixed myself some scrambled organic eggs, turkey bacon, strawberries,blue berries, and cant elope with a glass of orange juice. I went back up to Blake's room to grab all of my clothes when I noticed his phone vibrating in his drawer. I opened it and saw notifications from Jessica. I slammed the drawer back very hard. I knew that they were up to something that night I saw them at the club all on each other. I grabbed my clothes quickly and ran to my car. My phone started ringing. I had tears streaming down my face. It was DJ.

DJ: "hey Aubeyboo Blake wanted me to tell you.... " I just hung up the phone. He called back again except this time it was Blake.

B: "hey babe I wanted you to know I left my phone at home so if you needed something you could call DJ."

A: "yea you might want to make sure your other girlfriends don't text you while your not there and your "girlfriend" is at your home." I hung up and kept driving. I pulled up to my condo and realized my door was already unlocked. I walked in and heard a loud POW and felt pain in the back of my head and then everything went black.

I woke up the next morning to a beeping and a nursing flashing a light in my eyes.

Nurse: "ok her eyes are starting to dilate. Ok we're going to keep the IV going for another hour keep her another night and see how she's doing Sunday morning. Oh good morning Ms. McDaniels! Do you know where you are?"

A: "yea. The hospital? What happen?"

N: "you were hit in the back of your head with a shovel?

A: "who did it?"

N: "that's what we want to ask you. Who would want to harm you in that way?"

A: "I don't know" the nurse noticed the confused and scared look on my face and said not to worry and I would be safe here.As I watched her walk out of the room. I realized she was talking to someone and then noticed someone's hand in mine. I turned my head in pain. I looked at the hand and continued up to this persons face. It was Blake. Of course. I did not want him here. I tried to pull my hand back but it was to painful.

B: "just stop ok! I love you and right now you need to just get better."

A: "Blake I don't want you here. Can you please just call my parents and tell them I'm here."

B: "Aubrey I'm not understanding why your being like this to me. We have sex last night and now your acting like this."

A: "Blake I just got hit in the back of my head with a shovel I don't want to fight with you right now. I can't do this. Blake all these girls, basketball, modeling. It's not working out and I am stressed everyday because of it. I need a break. Ok? So just go please."

B: "but..."

A: "just go Blake." Blake got up and walked toward the door. He turned around in the door frame and looked back at me and then walked out.

Blake's P.O.V

I'm so confused. I don't know where she is getting all of this from. I love her so much, but giving her her space maybe just what she needs. I left the hospital and went home. I hadn't even gone home since after practice yesterday and I have practice in 3 hours. I barely slept, I'm frustrated, and I've lost the love of my life. Oh and did I mention in 2 days the biggest games of my life start. People are counting on me to help lead this team to a victory, but with Aubrey upset with me like this I'm not sure how good I will be playing. I pulled up to my house and walked in. I went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I had so many missed notifications from my mom, Taylor, DJ, Jessica, and a few other people. JESSICA. This is why Aubs was mad. I unlocked my phone.

Jessica😑🎉: hey blake I really think we should talk.

Jessica😑🎉: Blake we should establish what is going on with you and I? I feel that we have a connection! Don't you?

Jessica😑🎉: Blakey G are you ignoring me?

Jessica😑🎉: You know what forget it blake. I hate that you think Aubrey is the one for you because she isn't. I will hurt her Blake so that you will hurt.

I just shook my head. No way was I going to respond so that Jessica can have something to show people and what the heck was she talking about establish our relationship. I put my phone down and got into the shower. As I washed my body I thought about Aubrey and Jessica's little situation. I had to make it clear to Aubrey that I only wanted to be with her. And then it clicked what Jessica said in her text. She hit Aubrey with the shovel.

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