A: "Ok I'll see you soon." With that I hung up the phone. "Uh babe so I committed to a modelling gig about two weeks ago and I totally forgot about it."
B: "and its today so you have to go." He looked so disappointed. "Babe you have to remember these things. We've been planning this trip for a month and with basketball and your schedule its hard for me to hang out with you and have Blake and Aubrey time. "
A: "I know, I am so sorry. I should have kept track of it and that was very in mature of me to do. I am so sorry baby I only have to stay there for two days."
B: "It's fine you'll just see your second surprise when you get back." I grabbed his hand and kissed it.
Blake's P.O.V.
Aubrey and I separated at the airport. She got back onto a flight to the US and I stayed in Puerto Rico. I was disappointed that she promised me I would be all hers when we got here and now shes gone for the next two days, but whatever. Maybe that's how she feels during the season when I'm gone all the time. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw DJ and Danielle standing at the exit of the airport. This was her second surprise. She always wanted to go out of the country with her best friend.
DJ: "Hey man!" We did our handshake. "Wheres Aubs?"
B: "she had to go back to the states for some photo shoot."
Danielle: "Oh Aubs! I turned that one down! I should have reminded her."
B: "it's not your fault. She's a grown woman she should remember these things."
DJ: "Don't be so hard on her. Lets just have fun and you guys can argue when you get back home."
*Later that night*
Dj, Danielle, and I go out to some club by out hotel. I am taking shot after shot. I wasn't doing it because Aubrey wasn't there I was doing it because I had not been able to party without being cautious for a very long time. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
DJ: "Hey BG slow down on those drinks."
B: "I'm fine. I I I I can hold the drinks down the liquor." I could slowly feel myself being lost into my drunk state of mind. A hot blonde girl walked up to me and grabbed my butt and jumped into my arms and started full on making out with me. I kissed back. I mean why not our lips moved in sync with each others. I put her down and grabbed her hand and started to lead her to the exit of the club.
Danielle: "BLAKE BLAKE! What are you doing?"
B: "I'm taking her back to to to the room so we can sex with on another." As the blonde turned around Danielle's eyes grew big.
Danielle's P.O.V.
Danielle: "What the F***! Jessica why are you here?"
Jessica: "UH I am aloud to travel where ever I want."
D: "yea well how is it that you so happen to be here the same time as Blake?"
J: "Oh you know I turned the modeling gig down after you did once I found out my "favorite" couple would be traveling to Puerto Rico for a vacation. Once I turned it down Steph asked Aubrey and now shes not here and once those pictures are on every social media Aubrey wont come to Puerto Rico." I interuppted them with my drunk words.
B: "Aubrey! I love her! She loves me, but she left me and forgot about the promise she made me."
J: " Poor Blake! I think I can help fix that broken little heart of yours." Jessica winked at me. I was not going to let this little brat ruin my best friends relationship. As she turned back around to Blake I grabbed her long blonde hair and pulled her back in my direction. She flew to the ground so I got on top of her and punched her in the face.
D: " Don't ever come for my best friend because I'll be coming after you." I got up and walked out the club grabbing Blake by his jacket and DJ behind him.
DJ: "My girl's a badass!"

Married to the Game
FanfictionBlake Griffin from the Los Angeles Clippers is dating uprising model Aubrey McDaniels and this is there first season together and they may not make it to the end.