Chapter 1

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I woke up stretching my long arms above my head winching from the pain on my hips, new tattoos fucking hurt but hey they look good. I looked down seeing that i have indeed gained a bit of some weight to which had me not caring since i'm having my way with people like sex all the time. I smiled down at my stomach while swinging my legs to the edge of my kind sized bed, my room was really nice if  i may say so myself. All red with nice detailed black dragons roaming the walls of the Styles room. As i got up and walked towards my closet to pull a shirt over my head, i didn't have to do anything with my hair since i keep it in a ponytail most of the time now. Yea my new style is hair up and body not as fit but still sexy in a way. 

''Um Harry sir, your father needs to speak to you for a minute.'' I chuckled at the guy named Niall, yea hes my mate but i think he's just my mate because he's scared of the gang. Sure my father was the Mafia boss and sure i was in control of mostly everything when he was out on business but that doesn't mean i wouldn't kill someone for the smallest mistake. 

''Tell him i'll be there in a few minutes, i just need to get dressed...Oh and niall?'' I waited for him to respond since we have a mission to do for Halloween but that's not till tomorrow which has me all hyped up for the torture of these innocent people here. 

''Yes harry?'' I bit my lip feeling more power towards me than my father, i think most of the gang members here i scared of me since i don't give second chances. 

''Make sure you tell Liam and Louis about the mission we're gonna be starting, i know my father said not to go out tomorrow night but he's not the boss of me at all. So follow my orders and do as i say or there will be no regrets.'' 

''Yes sir, um do you need anything else before you go to your father sir?'' I thought about the things i needed but i don't think i need anyone to get me anything today. 

''No you're free to go Niall and thank you for informing me about the meeting.'' With that, i pulled a black tank top over my head and fixed my hair, pulling up the black skinnies i wear all the time when i'm not dressed in some fucking suit. I was now down the hall heading off to meet my father in his office. I knocked quietly on my fathers wooden door that held his name up on it with gold letters.

''Enter!'' I heard my father yell, which means he's probably by the bookshelf he had in there that was filled with tons and tons of books. Ever since i was little my father would spoil me with things i wanted and things i didn't want, so maybe this is why i'm the way i am to this day. I do love to read though, but that's why my father had an extra room to be called my library. 

''Niall said you needed me?'' I sat down in front of his desk with those damn cold leather seats he had in his office, but than again the whole damn house is always cold. I felt the goosebumps making their way up and down my shivering body, damn maybe i should have wore a long sleeved sweater instead. 

''I did, what i'm going to tell you is that i don't want you and your mates going out tomorrow since there's going to be police officers out, but as we call them 'Pigs' But anyways....I don't want you going out.'' Was all he said before seating himself down and taking his book out from the drawer. 

''The fuck i am, I have been waiting for Halloween father and i'm fucking 20 years old which means you can't tell me what to fucking do.'' I huffed while rolling my eyes as if he was supposed to tell me what to do. As soon as i said what i needed to, he got up while slamming his book down on top of his desk causing me to jump a little from the sudden outburst. 

''You're going to do as i say since you're living under my damn roof, in my house, eating my food, driving my cars, getting my money, and i'm your fucking father. Don't think i won't have you thrown down under either.'' I gaped at his words as i felt frozen from what he had just told me. He would kill me? I looked over at the door to see that there were two of his main mafia bitches standing there with guns in their hands. ''Don't be scared son, they're not here for you. They're here because i have somewhere to be and things to do today, so i'm going to put Paul in charge while i'm gone. I'll be back in a few hours.'' He got up while slipping a blazer over his shoulders. 

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