Chapter 15

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I couldn't sleep, i couldn't breath right, i couldn't smell anything since my nose was plugged up with dry snot, i couldn't even get warm. Was has happened? First i was on top of the world, king of this place, frightened faces would make me smile, cries would have me laughing, blood from the fights here would have me wanting more than what i was given, the bodies that laid on the cold floor outside with the concrete looking more beautiful with dry blood on top of it, only to have me wanting to smell the blood, and of course swim in it as well. But here i am now, crying my own tears from fear, shaking from the cold that has developed in my blood, wearing something i would have never thought about wearing in a million years, i'm the scared one now......i'm the bitch. I started crying once more, for the millionth time tonight. My eyes started to hurt from rubbing at them to much, my lips chapped from crying so hard, i could taste the blood in my mouth from where i bit my lip just to hold back the sobs. The only thing i had on right this second was this damn itchy skirt, the head band that i could get use to....but this isn't right. 

''Stop crying or your going to make things worse Styles, i've been up all fucking night just listening to you talk about how life isn't fair and how you don't deserve none of this. But really you do, you've hurt those out there that have done nothing but mind they're own business and now your saying you have done nothing wrong. Your so full of shit, go to sleep and stop fucking waking me up with those nasty sobs cause that ain't working with me. I saved your arse, so don't make me save it again without asking for something in return.'' I closed my mouth while squeezing my eyes shut tight, how could he be so cold hearted after what he had done to me? 

''Your the one acting like a fucking prude, this is all your fucking fault Malik. And if it wasn't for you than i wouldn't be wearing something that makes me feel so weak and ugly. So don't fucking butt into my thoughts when you in need of thinking about yours.'' I shot back, i don't care what he says or does. I'm fucking sick and tired of living, it's not my fault i was born to be a boss and not some slave bitch that does what everyone else does. 

''Keep it up Harreh and you'll be the one on your knee's with dry cum all over your damn face, and not by me but those perverts that want to toss you around like your some china doll.'' I looked at the wall while tracing my fingers over the cracks in it. ''That's what i thought, so please just next time i tell you to do something in front of them....just do it. I'm not as cold hearted as you, so i'm here to make sure you and i get out of this place untouched and not dead. Even though i see that you might not be getting out anytime soon since you've done so much shit to have you in here till you die.'' 

''Zayn just stop talking, i'm done arguing. So please just sleep and leave me alone, i don't want to hear anything else from you until tomorrow. Don't make me do something i wouldn't either, i'm already going to stay by your side until further notice. Don't even think about touching me either, i'm not anyone's bitch but my own.'' I huffed while closing my eyes just to try and get a good nights sleep. 

''Fine way to put it as that, but trust me when i say that i'm just trying to keep you from doing something stupid. So tomorrow morning, we're going to get out of this cell, go to the court yard so i can pick up some cigs from this man i met that seems to be very nice, get something to snack on...perhaps a apple that is, and than we'll head off to the showers were your going to stick by my side at all times. Don't want anyone else's grubby hands on you now do we?'' I could tell he was now smirking, what a fucking dick. 

''Which mean's not your hands either Malik, so state your facts right and think about things before doing or saying dumbarse. And i'm not going to apologize for the things i say when we're alone since your not my fucking boss, daddy, or damn master. I'm only doing this because i want to live and go home with my maids, my money, and of course my drugs.'' 

''Whatever you say sweet cheeks, but get some sleep. Don't want my princess looking like a fucking zombie in the morning now do we?'' He started chuckling while poking the bottom mattress of my bunk only to touch my arse. ''By the way, that skirt looks very pretty on you. To bad your going to have to shave everything but your head of hair and eyebrows off tomorrow huh? I don't see woman around town walking around with hairy legs.'' I rolled my eyes while feeling the hair on my legs, their not even that hairy. 

''shut the fuck up zayn, you don't tell me what to do and what to not do. I'm my own man and i do what i want, your probably friends with those fucking bald bastards and you probably set this whole thing up just to embarrass me so you have something to talk about when your out. Well guess what? I'm not fucking stupid and what ever you have planned just bring it the fuck on cause i'm not scared. I'm only doing i said, because i don't want to die and knowing you and them. They probably really are going to kill me while you get a good laugh out of it.''


I finally had got some decent sleep without crying or even thinking about someone hurting me, i sat up in my uncomfortable bed while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I sniffed a few times before hopping off the top bunk but not before grabbing the than sheets Zayn had given me. I needed something to cover me up since i have this fucking tiny skirt and nothing else underneath it. This is the worst fucking few days of my life, other than my father slapping me one time but that's because i bit him. 

''Your finally up, i thought i would have to wake you up from your nap and drag you out of bed.'' I looked over at the man who started this whole shit in the first place, he was just sitting there with a book and a pair of fucking glasses at the bridge of his nose. Where the fuck did those come from? ''We'll be going to breakfast in a few but first let me finish this chapter.'' Rolling my eyes, i let out a loud yawn while stretching my muscles just to get the pain that rose from my back up to my neck. 

''I'm not even hungry so you can go by yourself.'' I huffed while crossing my arms and sitting down on the toilet......No i'm not fucking taking a shit, it's like the only chair in this place besides the spot next to zayn.

''Now now now love, if i was to leave you alone in here, than what on gods earth do you think would happen if they seen you without me? What do you think would happen if anyone else seen you in that skirt, with your hair all pretty, and nothing on under that thin....very thin material of clothing? Do you think they would just walk by and take one glance or do you think they would come into our room and fuck you till you puke?'' I bit my lip looking down at my bare feet, for some reason i think he's right. 

''I just don't feel comfortable going out there dressed like this Zayn, what the fuck to you expect me to say other than wanting to stay in here and hide from all those men out there? I'm so fucking embarrassed zayn that i can literally feel my heart pounding against my rib cage. How do you think i feel about this skirt and people wanting me to be someones bitch when i'm not even the type to be a bottom. I WAS FUCKING RAPED ZAYN! I WAS RAPED WHEN I WAS THROWN IN THE HOLE! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I FEEL!'' I screamed out the last part while crying my heart out, ''I'm s-so br-broken z-zayn an-and i'm hu-hurting.'' I could feel everything inside me breaking. 

''Come here doll, i know all this is hard on you but you need to get through this. Not everyone has it easy so just be strong for once, and only for you.'' He held out his hand while grabbing at my wrist to pull me closer to him. I fell right into his chest while hiding my face in the crook of his neck, ''Shh your ok doll, your ok.'' He kept whispering over and over again, but no it's not ok....not to me that is. 

''I'i'm so so so so-sorry, pl-please pr-protect me.'' I knew i sounded like some pussy but i really needed someone to be here for me, i needed someone to save me from those men. I'm a fighter but there was so much of them and they were all so huge and scary looking. I hate to admit this but.......i'm just so fucking scared and i hate feeling this way. 

''I'm going to protect you as best as i can but can you please just do as i say in order for it to go as planned?'' I quickly nodded while keeping my face hidden from the world, feeling his scruff scratching at my forehead. Everything just reminded me of the three men that i had bossed around and hurt emotionally and physically. I'm going to change but not so soon. 

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