Chapter 2

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Here i am, another lonely day roaming around the streets as feed off the others with my music and guitar. I wish i could have never ran away, but having a family like mine and the living style was just to much for me. I had already decided since tomorrow's Halloween and everyone will be out, i'm gonna take that as my chance to steal from houses and make my way further down an alley way i've been staying at just to add onto my fort of boxes. As i walked down the same street i had been walking down for a few months already, i couldn't help but notice a huge mansion that lays there with a huge yard, seven cars, nice grass and a few men outside from where i could see at the corner of the brick wall. Why would they have brick if they can't cover the corners as well? I moved a bit closer but as soon as i walked up to the brick wall i peaked through the corner seeing that one of them in a tank top which looked really good on the guy...Wait i'm not gay. 

''I wonder what they're talking about?'' I watched every movement, but than something else caught my eyes. He was gorgeous and there's no denying that this guy must have millions of girlfriends seeing that he has a huge house, nice cars and must have the money. 

''I wouldn't be snooping if i were you young man.'' I spun around seeing a older looking lad that was walking with a cane and having a small limp. ''That's the boss's place, he literally owns the whole town to which is why we have no right in doing as we want. Like walking around without giving them a small wave, or even looking at who i think your looking at. That one right there.'' He pointed at the man that had his hair pulled up, ''That's his son, that kid is more spoiled than the anyone in this damn world.'' 

''Are they that dangerous though?'' I asked while keeping my eyes on that taller looking boy who seemed to be smiling about something he said to those three scared looking men. 

''Did you hear anything i had just told you? Their the most dangerous people on this planet, the one they call Harry is the worse if i may say so myself. He likes to see people suffer and choke on their own spit when they are forced to speak to him with respect.'' 

''So the guy is that bad huh?'' I bit my lip looking away, if he was to ever talk down at me like that i would lay his arse out with one hit. 

''Yep and that's why tomorrow mostly everyone is keeping inside since every Halloween Harry and his puppets roam the streets picking on people whether they're old or just 5.'' He shrugged while walking passed me and looking both ways to cross the street that only had three cars driving by. I walked along the sidewalk making sure i wasn't in anyone's way, you could ay i'm more on the side shy, virgin, loner, and the one that always has to keep to himself. 

''Wow what a morning i'm having.'' I mumbled to myself, as i walked for about 5 more minutes thinking why isn't it cold? It is October and it's still a bit warm, that's very strange. I guess maybe just the mornings are going to be like this and the nights are going to be chilly. 


After watching my father leave for his stupid arse business shit he had to do, i walked in and out of my room with nothing but a pair of swim trunks on and a towel in my hand. I made sure to look in his office room to see if anyone was in there like Paul i'm assuming since he was suppose to be the one to watch over the damn place. I rolled my eyes at the thought of fucking Paul watching the place instead of me. I mean come on i'm fucking 20 and i'm good and getting people to say what i want them to say without even touching a hair on their heads. 

''Well looks like Paul's not even in the office.'' I looked over at the three lads that were also wearing they're swimming trunks and sunglasses placed on their faces as if we were outside already. I chuckled, while shaking my head side to side, ''You guys are wearing sunglasses now? We're not even outside yet dumbarses.'' I grabbed my sunscreen and my shades. ''Lets go before it starts to get cold.'' As we walked out with the three men still walking behind me making me mad from them being so fucking quiet. ''So any of you want to talk about sex?''

''Sir you know we haven't had sex with anyone since working here.'' Liam said while i stopped dead in my tracks having then three of them stop a few feet away from me. 

''Are you fucking serious? So when we would go to the club while i fucked those dirty whores and some of those girly looking men, you three would stand by and drink? Without even thinking about fucking?'' I started laughing while throwing my head back, ''You guys are pathetic, are you even into girls?'' They all nodded while gaping at me with wide eyes, yea i'm bisexual, i find myself to be the power top since i'm not a fan of bottoming even though i've never bottomed before. 

''We are all straight sir.'' I rolled my eyes while walking again, seeing that the pool was gleaming under the sun light of the morning weather i couldn't help myself but throw my towel to the side and plop myself on one of the pool chairs. 

''Are you guys going to sit and enjoy the sun or stand there like a bunch of retards?'' I looked up seeing that they snapped their gazes back towards me, they act like they never seen a pool before but than again i bet they haven't even touched the water since they weren't aloud to. I don't know why i'm being so nice to these people but it feels good to have someone around when upset. 

''Sorry sir.'' I heard louis girly voice speak up, i kept my eyes on him since he did seem like the one that would act like a total gay in the three stooges there. 

''Louis are you sure your not into guys as well? You know judging by the looks of it you seem like someone that would fall to his knees for a good cock.'' I sat up looking into those icy blue eyes that seemed to stare right back at me. He quickly shook his head as he backed up to sit on one of the white chairs. ''Why don't you come put some sunscreen on me yea?'' I threw the bottle at him as he quickly caught it with a little struggle. 

''Yes sir.'' He got up walking passed the other two that were looking down into the baby blue water that shined under the sun. ''Right here sir?'' I felt the cold liquid on my back as i arched a bit since he did it without warning me. 

''You should have asked before touching me louis but that's ok, your lucky i'm trying to be nice today or i would have shot you by now.'' I smirked looking over my shoulder at the man that was frozen from squeezing the thing. ''Now come on, get back to what you were doing.'' I turned my head to pop on my sunglasses, i feel so fucking good having a man with small hands rub at my sore back. I went to a club last night and had a threesome that had my back hurting like a bitch. 

''Sir do you want me to get you anything to drink or maybe snack on?'' I looked to see Niall standing in front of me with his white tee clinging to his chest as he had his hands behind his back like a good boy he is. 

''Actually yes get me a beer would you and make sure it's cold.'' I shrugged my shoulders letting the guy behind me know that he could now sit down. I got up from where i was sitting and made my way to the pool that was calling my name. ''Here hold my shades will you.'' I handed liam my glasses as i pulled my hair into a tighter ponytail and jumped inside the cold pool. 

''Sir do you want me to just put your beer right here?'' I spit the water that had gotten inside my mouth to the side while swimming to the edge of the pool, letting my legs sit in the cold water and having my upper half pressed again the ground. 

''No just give it here.'' I let my hand touch the beer as i shivered from it being cold in my palm. ''You guys are good you know that? So obedient and nice.'' I chuckled while chugging the beer that niall had brought. ''So we're gonna dress in all black tomorrow and start the torturing towards these poor people alright?'' They all looked stunned but come on they should be use to this shit. ''Fucking answer me when i'm speaking you damn muts.'' I gritted through my teeth as they flinched away. 

''Sorry sir but yes.'' I rolled my eyes letting them off with another warning, i'm to nice sometimes. 

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