Chapter 28

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''Yeah just like that baby, keep going down before i force you to take all of me in.'' Gagging, i took in half of the man who was now claiming to be my master as he says it. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears that i haven't let out for three days already. That's right, three whole fucking days since zayn left me, three days since i was raped in the shower like some little bitch they think i am, and now.....three days have already passed for me believing that this isn't prison but more like Satan's chamber. ''Ah fuck, i'm about to cum darling.'' I looked up while trying to look passed my blurry vision, just to see him throwing his head back and his hands gripping the bars that were keeping us inside. As he let loose, i couldn't help but gag some more. Swallowing like i'm suppose to, i was pulled up by my long nappy hair and thrown on the bed. ''Now let me taste you before i have business to intend to.'' He smacked my thighs as hard as he could have ever, whimpering like a girl. I looked into his cold blue eyes while biting my lip and taking a deep breath in order for me to keep calm and talk. 

''Yes master, please do.'' Was all i said before he pushed my legs up against my chest and dove down just to suck and bite at my throbbing sore hole. I could still feel the way my skin was torn, the way it tried to heal itself but nothing helped when he and his mates would pull a gang bang on me at night or sometimes in the showers when i wasn't paying attention. Everything zayn had told me was just some fat dirty lie, he just wanted to save his own arse and leave mine in here to die. He even said so himself, awhile back when we would argue. He would tell me that i deserved to die and that everyone else in here should treat me the way i treated my mates back home. Maybe he was right, but how did this happen so quick? I think zayn planned this so that when he left, then this shit could happen to me. 

''Mmmm you taste so damn good baby, gonna make sure your all mine tonight yeah?'' He didn't even let me answer as he flipped me over while tugging at his softened prick. I closed my eyes, thinking about how zayn would tell me that he loved me and that i was his princess and no one else's. Getting to the good part, i felt a hard thrust enter my tight ring as i let out a muffled cry. Biting down on my scabbed arm that was filled with nothing but bite marks and burns as well. ''Fuck yes, that's it baby. Hold back those cries and let out them juicy moans.'' I needed to please him or i would be found dead and not as free as i thought i would be. My father has forgotten about me, no one answers any of my damn phone calls. Groaning, i felt myself being pulled against the mans chest as my back touched his sweaty hairy front, he wrapped his arm around my waist as he started to thrust harder and harder. ''FUCK!'' I felt so much unwanted liquids spill inside of me as he got sloppier at each thrust. Closing my eyes, i took in the harsh words and tight grip he was giving me. ''Damn baby, that felt so fucking good. Did you enjoy yourself? You can finish off when i leave.'' He pulled out while pushing me down onto my front again and slapping my arse multiple times. 

''Y-yes ma-master.'' I whispered, crying silently as he left from the stupid cells opening. I stayed laying down as i took in all the words and beatings i have been getting lately. Do i deserve this from hurting and murdering all those innocent people? I didn't mean to do all those things but yet, here i am getting the worse i have ever gotten in my life. Never have i thoughts things like this would happen to a gang member like me, i'm respected, feared, and of course i'm the boss. But being in here, i'm just a bitch that get's treated like shit. My own Father doesn't even want me, let along zayn who i thought wanted to get me out of here safe and never harmed again. 

''Styles, you have a phone call but you better make it quick. We don't have all day to have you talking to whoever it is on the phone just to plan on some silly escape. Now hurry up before we change our minds.'' Quickly jumping out of the cum stained bed, i pulled up my dirty jumper while rushing out of the cell and following the smirking guard down the not so crowded halls. ''There, now keep it short.'' Nodding, i walked up to the phone while finally speaking. 

''Hello, this is harry here.'' Knitting my brows together as the man on the other line just breathed in and out like he was having trouble trying to form words.

''Harry, This is Matty. You probably don't remember me but i have talked to your father and he had told me about your behavior and how you ended up in that nasty prison. I'm going to bail you out today and of course you'll end up being free as a bird. I have also contacted your father and he's waiting at your guys mansion until your let out. I'm a lawyer and i'm here to help you, seeing that your ex lover was suppose to support you. Look's like that's out of the picture now, be prepared to get called up later on this evening.'' I felt myself wanting to faint, better yet.....Cry myself to sleep as this man, that says he know's me, is actually going to help me out. 

''Thank you so so so fucking much Matty, you don't know how much this means to me. I'm so fucking happy to hear about this, now knowing that i'm going to be saved is just the cherry on top of a sundae. Thank you.'' Sniffing a few times while wiping away the stray tears. 

''Don't mention it, But i do have to talk to you about your own gang. I have everything planned out Harry and once your out and following my rules, than you'll understand who i am and how we know one another. I'm no longer going to be your stranger, be ready Harry.'' With that, he hung up and i placed the phone back down on it's hook while leaning my forehead up against the dry wall.


Everything was fucking weird down here, i kept trying to contact my lawyer but it sounded like he changed his number or something like that. It's like every time i call his cell phone, it just beeps then shuts off which is just plain out weird. Biting my lip, i looked down the apartment halls as i seen a few little kids coming in from being at school or just Perrie checking her mail and smiling up at me with her lovely Maxy boy who seemed to not like me much. I don't really care anyways, if he's got a problem with me than so be it. 

''Hi Zayn, what are you up to today? It's such a beautiful day out, maybe you should go for a walk or maybe hang with us. We're actually on our way to the park just to walk Charlie since he hasn't been out much.'' She giggled while petting the top of her baby pups head, aww'ing at the cute dog, i shook my head while motioning them away. 

''No it's totally fine, i'm just going to keep calling my lawyer. Seem's like the phone signal isn't working for me in here.'' Chuckling nervously, i scratched the back of my neck while glaring up at the bald freak. 

''That's fine by me, anyways. I need to work tonight so maybe you and max can get to know each other some more.'' She suggested while i wanted to protest and walk away like a boss. Before i could even speak, Max spoke up without looking at me. 

''I have to meet up with some of my mates at the bar Perrie, i don't think i would want to invite some new guy and have them being rude to him. But maybe another time, i'm not in the mood for hanging out with anyone that lives under the same apartment roof as me anyways.'' He grabbed at her tiny waist while pulling her towards their shared door. She didn't even say goodbye nor wave, why do i care anyways? I looked down at my phone, I really need to talk to him about bailing Harry out and than i'll pay him back. Groaning, i bit my lip trying to hold back the screams i wanted to let free, how the fuck am  i going help my Haz out of prison if i can't even make enough money to buy my own fucking food let alone get a soda from the ice cream man that sells his for 50 cents. This is going to be harder than i thought, without my lawyer and his smart ideas....I'm fucking screwed and so is my baby that i thought would be smart enough to help himself in prison. Something inside of me was telling me that harry was not okay, that he was being hurt and used like the first time. Kicking myself off the wall, i made my way outside. 

''If my own damn lawyer won't answer his phone in order to help me out here, than i'm going to look for him myself and talk to him face to face about my problem. As i walked down the empty sidewalk, making sure i was nowhere near any drug dealers or maybe just alley's that don't take any interest out of me anymore. Finally spotting my one and only lawyer talking on a cell phone while smiling, i couldn't help but frown as he whispered softly in the phone while looking around the place as if he was trying to be sneaky. Who the hell is he talking to?

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