Chapter 5

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As the day settled down and the sky turned to dark after being so gloomy and bright outside, i smirked to myself as i watched a few car's outside drive by, some leaving the neighborhood, some coming probably from a party maybe, and well some people already outside with they're children in their arm's. Cute kid's, skipping, laughing, jumping, crying, talking, and of course going house to house for candy. I bit my lip knowing that some of these kid's are you do end up dying tonight whether they want it or not, which i'm sure they don't want to die but that's not up to them now is it? I looked myself in the mirror pulling my black beanie over my head of hair, skinny jeans on, black jumper and of course some black running shoes to get away. 

I walked over to my bed strapping on my gun to hide under my shirt, My father say's i can't go out but yet he's not here to witness my escape for the night. I bit my lip hoping everything goes well tonight, Because for some reason my stomach started to get this weird feeling as i felt light headed out of no where. Shaking it off i grabbed my knives that i hid under pant legs. 

''LOUIS, LIAM, AND NIALL YOU ALL READY TO GO OR WHAT?!'' I screamed while feeling my voice start to raw from all the yelling i had done all in one fucking day. I drank a cold glass of water while let the liquids run down my throat, feeling the ice melt inside my warm mouth. As i placed the cup down and looked towards my door, i couldn't help but walk out without turning the light off to my room.

''Master Styles?'' I looked to where the voice had came from only to see Niall shuffling on his feet, rolling my eyes as he pulled his beanie over his bleached hair. ''We're ready....but should we also put on some bullet proof vest's just in case?'' I walked over to the shorter lad while towering over him. 

''We're gonna be fine so stop acting like a pussy and live up to it or i'll end up shooting you myself.'' I gritted through my white teeth as he put his head down with shame, ''I don't think i told you to look at the floor so keep your head up high and pay attention.'' He snapped up while looking me in the eyes, his eye's looked so hurt, upset, scared, but yet i don't give a rats arse. ''Where's the others?'' I asked while looking at the time on the clock that was placed in my unique living room. As i turned to see three lads dressed in black.....Nothing but black, i smirked down at they're faces. 

''Sir? We're bringing guns right?'' I groaned while grabbing Niall from the back of his skinny neck only to bring him closer to me, I glared into those blue eyes as he flinched but stayed where he was placed. 

''NO SHIT DUMBARSE, SHOULD I BE THE ONE GOING OUT BY MYSELF THAN WHILE I HAVE YOU THREE STUPID PANSY'S TORTURED HUH!'' I screamed, feeling my blood boil from they're stupidity. Who the fuck goes out to fuck with people without guns? I rubbed at my temples while sitting down on the leather brown couch that i had bought awhile back just to have the looks from it. ''Go get the fucking guns NOW!'' I yelled, watching them all scamper off in they're own directions. They looked like a bunch of fucking lost children to which i know i'm going to have the best time of my life tonight and nobodies going to stop me from doing so either. I hid y head in my hands while letting out a loud groan, all because of these three that don't know how to do shit but serve someone else.

''Sir we're ready now, we have everything.'' I looked up smiling, now it's time to have some fun and not looking back on it either. I got up with a clap of my hands while skipping to the door humming a song. Sure i act like a child sometimes but when your happy about something than you can't control it right? 

''First we're just going to have a little fun with the elders than we'll head for the worthless children.'' I chuckled thinking about elderly people crying for they're lives as well. ''Hmm where shall we start eh?'' I looked back to see the three standing there looking around, shrugging they're shoulder's while i rolled my green eyes. Looks like i'll just have to start off with that old lady on the other side of the street walking her puppy. I smirked to myself while turning to face the three mates that looked up at me with confused eyes. ''Her, she's our first victim.'' I pointed to the 60 year old looking lady while watching they're expressions change from confusion to shocked. 

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