Chapter 8

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As i sat in the corner of this old cafeteria watching this whole fight between that Styles guy and some random big man who thought he was going to win but ended up getting his arse beat to death. I couldn't help but notice that Styles was smiling the whole time during the violence, what the fuck is wrong with that guy? He's like seriously fucked up in the head which makes me a little concerned. Why is he the way he is now? Has anyone ever taught him to be more kind and respectful towards others and not hurt anyone else? I was pretty shocked by now, seeing him being tackled to the ground and tazed multiple times which i find was unfair. He looked so.....SO happy about it, i cocked my head to the side seeing that he also wet himself but he wasn't mad about it. Laughing his arse off like this was some kind of game or something, why is he so happy all the time? 

''Your going to sit your arse down and eat the little food you get from now on, without any problems from you Styles. Now stop causing trouble and be a good little boy like your suppose to be without getting into fights like the shit head you thought you once were.'' I heard one of the police officers say as they cuffed Styles hands together in the front of him so he could still eat the food that was being slammed on the table he was sitting at. 

''Aww but come on, what's the fun in that? Besides aren't any of you going to take me to my cell so i could change out of these bottoms. Since you know, you did cause this problem to happen oh and another thing. Did you not see that guy picking a fight with me? I didn't think so.'' I chuckled while looking down at the food. 

''Just shut your fucking mouth and eat before we end up putting you in the hole for your behavior.'' I watched as the man looked back up only to smirk at the officer leaning down at him trying to hold the cold glare he was giving Styles. ''Your lucky i'm not one of you punks or i would have beat the shit out of you right here right now you piece of crap. Your an excuse of a human being and a waste of space on this damn earth.'' I was taken back by those words, But of course he looked as if he didn't care. 

''Glad to hear that, now can you leave so i could eat my food in peace?'' He smirked up at the annoyed looking cop as he walked off without another word. I couldn't help but stare at him, those green dark eyes, dimples, tattoos that poked out from under his shirt. I mean i have tat's myself as well but i don't like showing them off most of the time. But for some reason this man sitting just a few tables away from me looked like he was sad deep down inside, why does he try to cover up his feelings? I watched him pick at his food while those skinny fingers of his poked at some of the dry looking beans, damn he's like a angel...well more like the devil himself. 

''I think i'm going to talk to him.'' I whispered to myself as i looked around to see everyone seated in different places from where they were before the fight started. I slowly rose from my seat and grabbed my untouched tray full of nasty looking food, here goes. As i walked over to the man still looking down at his tray, i could feel the knot in my stomach start to get bigger and bigger with every step i took. He finally looked up with that smirk on his face growing much wider, he sat back with his hands on his lap. 

''Ah come to join me i see, why not just try something so i could kick your arse as well stalker.'' I choked on my gum while looking around to make sure he was only talking to me, I looked back at the man who was glaring at me with those gorgeous green eyes that i so badly want to stare into all day. I shook  my head trying to get the thought of him and those fat lips. 

''Um....What?'' He started chuckling while leaning on his elbows, i shrugged the look off as i sat down but this time he wasn't smiling nor smirking like he was seconds ago. 

''I called you a stalker because your the prick that was watching me while i was getting ready to shower, So tell me. Do you not know who the fuck i am? Should i end your life right here? Cause you know i can without even letting someone get to me before i snap that skinny neck of yours.'' He got up looking down at me with nothing but a cold stare. 

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