Chapter 4

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I don't know what had gotten into me but i just felt the need to go back to that lad's mansion and see if he would offer me at least a dollar for something to drink. I walked and walked as i met the gates, the big tall black scary gates that led to the front of his house, why was everything else in bricks but this was just a plain big black gate? I shrugged my shoulders while peaking through the fence only to see that no one was outside like before. As i was about to walk away, i could hear shouting and screaming which i know is kind of the same thing but hey i never really knew the difference since i'm just a dumb guy right? I bit my lip knowing that if i even tried to jump this wall i would be attacked by anything that was on the other side. 

''How the hell am i going to ask this man for something if i don't even know him in the first place?'' I asked myself, wait what if he's really this nice lad that like's to help people out no matter what state they're in? I walked around the place for awhile trying to find a way in but having no luck, i just kept my head down while kicking a baby pebble. But something caught my eye, how did i end up looking at a window that was open so wide that you can see almost everything. Seeing there was a shower, that must be the bathroom. But for some reason i couldn't tear my eyes away from the man that entered the bathroom, he was....beautiful. I can't believe someone like him even existed, he had these ab's, tattoo's scattered everywhere on his tan looking skin. 

''Mummy i don't want to go to the dentist.'' I looked across the street seeing a pouty looking child being dragged by what i'm assuming is his mum since he did say it. The kid looked about 5 years old and let me say he did not look to happy about this whole dentist thing. I shrugged off the child's whining as i looked up only to be caught by the smirking man in the window, i don't what happened but all i know is i was running the other way. 

''Shit shit shit shit shit shit.'' I rambled on and on as i ran to the furthest tree i can hide behind, he caught be staring and now i'm here without that dollar i wanted to ask for. 

''Hey you ok there mate?'' I looked to the right side of my body while having both my hands down on my knee's trying to breath. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that the air that was once inside my body would return, i looked up again seeing that it was the old lad again that i met up with yesterday. 

''Y-yea M'fine, just had to run a few blocks i think.'' I straightened up a bit while letting my back pop, wow that was just embarrassing. ''Have you ever actually met the guy you were talking about yesterday? You know the man that live's in the big mansion?'' I needed to know about him, he was so perfect....Well even though i don't know the man but i still wanted to. 

''Hmm oh the styles? Well you don't want to run into them trust me mate, They're evil and they don't care about anyone but their filthy stolen money.'' I chuckled from the way the guy's face went from being all happy to angry in just seconds. ''Why do you ask?'' 

''I was just wondering since i don't really see them out much i guess.'' I shrugged my shoulder's knowing that this man would buy my lies, i don't even know him and he's already giving me so many details about the Styles home. 

''See i'm going to give you a head's up son, Tonight is dangerous to be out on the streets. Every Halloween Master Styles is what they call him since he's the leader of the Mafia, well they end up poor people hunting if you know what that is.'' I started laughing as i couldn't help but let the tears spill out of my face. Is this guy fucking serious? He makes it sounds like some horror movie or something. 

''Ok mate you must be on something or whatever but i don't think all from what your saying may or may not happen since i'm kind of new here.'' I bit my lip looking around hoping that the green eyed boy isn't out walking around. 

''So you wouldn't know than mate, so don't tell me what you think they're doing when everyone already knows. This is why when people move into this fucked up neighborhood they don't believe anyone until the night's of Halloween. But don't say i didn't warn you.'' With that he patted my back and walked off making sure he looked both ways before crossing the busy street. I made sure that everything was clear before jogging back to the alley i was staying at, as i had my head down and moping from the lack of food and water i didn't even see the person i ran into causing them to stumble back and landing on they;re back side. 

''Oi watch where your going you damn cunt.'' I looked down trying to apologize but seeing that it was one of those guy's that hangs out at the mansion, i couldn't help but run the other way without another word. What if he was out to look for me, to kill me? 


After my long hot shower, i was now laying on the floor in my room, naked, hot, and of course horny from not getting any head or arse for days. I looked down at my hardened cock seeing that it was now dripping pre-cum, oh yes i love teasing myself sometimes. I let my fingers stretch my tight hole, thrusting in and out. I squeezed my eyes shut tight as i didn't even hear someone knocking on my door interrupting my pleasure. 

''WHAT?!'' I screamed over the soothing music that was playing in my room, i couldn't help but feel the anger rush through my body. ''WHO THE FUCK IS IT? AND IF YOU'RE KNOCKING TO TELL ME OR ASK ME SOMETHING STUPID THAN I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!'' I stopped my movements as i looked up at my closed door, knitting my eyebrows together and pulling my fingers out with a grunt. ''Come in.'' Was the last thing i said while letting my eyes drift closed as my body went limp. 

''Sorry for interrupting you sir, but someone's at the door and i think it's your father's mates.'' I looked over at the trembling Louis who was looking everywhere but at me, well he act's as if he hasn't seen a naked man before. Rolling my eyes, i got up on shaky legs while pulling on some skinny jeans to cover up. 

''And you couldn't fucking tell him i'm not here? Or are you that stupid that i have to tattoo it on your damn forehead.'' I was now face to face with the shorter lad as he quickly shook his head trying to apologize. ''Just get the fuck out and tell whoever it is that i'm not here.'' I slammed my door in his pale looking face as i rolled my eyes for the millionth time today. ''I swear these people can be stupid these days.'' Shaking my head and grabbing at my grey sweater, i pulled my hair together as i looked myself up and down facing my over sized mirror. 

''Thought i would leave just cause one of your damn maids tells me that your out?'' I quickly turned to see that old sack of shit Simon, my father's fucking mate. ''You know harry, Styles wanted you to stay in tonight and watch the mansion while answering any calls he receives but i think your heading out instead. Am i right or what?'' I watched as he leant against my door frame only to give me this ugly arse smirk on his wrinkled face. 

''Simon stay the fuck out of my damn business, i'm old enough to follow my own damn rules and if my father doesn't like it than he could go screw himself like the prick he is. Now if you don't mind, get the fuck out of my room so i can change.'' I chuckled at the way he was looking at me with so much hate but yet gaping at how i snapped. I know i shouldn't have let my stress out on him but damn it's like my father doesn't trust me or something. 

''You know what? Your father wouldn't approve of you being such a spoiled brat and if you even think about leaving tonight than your father will find you and trust me son. You don't want to know what'll happen if he finds out that his 'Son' disobeyed him.'' I watched as he walked out without another word, the fuck is his problem? 

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