Chapter 31

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I ran so fast, I ran without looking back, i ran and ran until my long legs couldn't take it anymore. I turned the corner hiding way as i heard cars zooming by like they were looking for someone....Possibly Matty's gang but how would i be sure of that? Sitting up against the dirty brick wall while clenching my chest as i couldn't stop heaving. Everything around me started to spin, my mouth was so dry, my legs were throbbing in pain, my stomach twisting in knots just thinking about myself dying without fighting back. I have nothing to defend myself with, no people to have my back like i would back at home. Sniffing, i let my head fall back just to have my hair fanning over my face, i want to go home. I wish this was all in my head and that i was just in some sick coma from a drive by. But no...not everything works out for horrible people, i was molested in prison, beaten at matty's even though i thought i was the big man around here. Wait....Around here? I don't even know where the fuck i am, groaning. I slapped my palms down on the dirt, bringing my knee's up to my chest and my head resting above them. 

''I don't know boss, but i could have sworn i saw the shit head over here.'' Snapping my head to the side, those voices were getting closer as i saw a dumpster that really wasn't my thing. It's any my clothes or my fucking life. Jumping inside the nasty arse thing, i pulled the lid shut over my head as i ducked down just to hide my face. 

''I fucking told you Jim, i knew i should have had him tied up and locked away in the damn basement. I need to find the little cock sucker or my ass is on the line with my damn father. I was suppose to have him feeling safe, you know what this can do to my fucking business? This shit will ruin my hard earned cash and possibly my damn life. Find the son of a bitch and bring him to me, ALIVE!'' Cringing, i covered my mouth trying to hold back the sobs. I'm not a fucking cry baby so why am i crying? I have never been this weak so why am i even thinking about them hurting me? ''Another thing jim...'' There was this loud gun shot, not just any normal one but a shot gun sound. ''Someone clean up this shit and throw his ass in the river, don't even want to see this fuckers face.'' I bit my lip holding back the sniffles...Sniffles? What the fuck, where did that come from?

''Boss? Your father called, he wants to speak do you.'' His father, the man zayn and i had met in prison. The man that had told me so much about matty but yet i never thought about this matty, crossing my arms like an X over my torso, i was fucking cold. Shivering in this dumpster, feeling more alone than i have ever felt in my entire life, everyone was going against me and people were also leaving me alone to die by myself. Do i deserve this? Was god actually getting back at me for being better than him? He's the one that created people for me to murder, groaning again, i slapped a hand over my mouth with wide eyes. 

''What was that? Better yet...Who the fuck was that?'' I could feel my face heating up, not from blushing but from fear, Me, Harry fucking Styles actually scared which is just complete nonsense. ''Look around and make sure you don't leave any fucking part of this alley unseen, i want to know who the fuck that was and once i find that shit head...his ass is dead.'' Should  i just jump out of this thing and run? Should i run for my life like i have been? Should i just let them do whatever they want without thinking? I was so caught up in my thoughts that i haven't even realized the sounds of police cars driving by, they were indeed speeding which caused me to shutter farther in the dumpster. ''Shit the fucking police are always coming at the wrong time, well.....Let's go before things start getting heated. I don't feel like joining my father back there, we'll just look for the slut after these pigs leave the streets.'' Slowly closing my eyes, i thanked the guy above or whoever it was that helped me this time. 

''Yes sir, EVERYONE BACK TO BUSINESS! MEET AT THE BAR DOWN CENTRAL AND BE QUICK!'' Knitting my brows together, so is that where they hold up all their meetings? Hearing cars drive off and the alley gone quiet, i peeked from under the lid of this dumpster that had saved my life so far. No one was around, no sounds of police cars either, not even a cat in the alley which was really strange by the way.  I need to get out of here before they come back, pushing the lid up and throwing myself out of this life saver. I slowly creeped around the corner of the brick wall and seen nothing but innocent people walking by with smiles or some just looking to tired to even be paying attention to their surroundings. Now see that, i would have attacked them but right now i'm fighting for my own life. Taking out my beanie from my back pocket that i had noticed i had, i pulled it over my long curls and tucked them under the piece of clothing, putting my head down while i made my way towards a lonely park. 

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